I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime

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"...It depends on how much vomit you want to have at the wedding."
Jo walks away and starts to pace around the room, but she stops when she hears a voice.
"To be honest, I think maybe this is a good thing! Because no matter how good Danielle was, I am pretty sure I'm better."
Elena and Caroline smile and rush over to hug her.
"Grace, I missed you!"
"I missed me, too."
They pull away.
"Thank you for getting me back."
Elena nods happily.
"(emotionally) Hi!"
She hugs Bonnie, both of them with tears in their eyes, but they pull away after a moment.
"Okay, now, we've got a lot to do and not a lot time to do it. Elena, just have a drink, you're not going to pass out. (Elena goes to fix herself a drink) Bonnie, the switch is on the left-hand side on the back."
She walks to the steamer so she can finish steaming the wrinkles out of Jo's wedding gown.
"And Jo, I can see your shoes under the couch. (She winks at Jo, who sighs in relief) Okay, now, who's dealing with the boys?"

Elena is doing her make-up in Damon's bedroom, Grace walks in to join her while she looks at her phone.
"Okay, the boys are officially taken care of, bride and maid of honor are in hair and make-up. I'm gonna head to the venue and fix... whatever they're screwing up."
Elena is reaching for something and almost burns her hand on the curling iron that is sitting next to the sink. Grace instantly panics and rushes to stop her.
"(worried) Elena, the curling iron!"
"(gives her a look) Yes, I can see it, Gracie."
"(sheepishly) Okay!"
"I'm human now, not blind. And I'm not fragile, either. You don't have to walk on eggshells around me."
"Uh, I do, actually. Because if you walked on them, they could cut you and you'd get infected and probably die."
"(considers this statement) You know what? Given my luck, that actually seems possible."
They both giggle, Elena grabs a glass of champagne.
"So, what's it like now in the world of the living?"
"It's different, I'm slower, I have to look both ways before crossing the street, but it's nice to not..."
"(blurts out) --Be a monster like me, who turns off their humanity and commits murder instead of dealing with grief like a normal person?"
"(looks at her sympathetically) I was gonna say... not have to wear a daylight ring all the time."
Grace chuckles in embarrassment.
"Look, I'm so sorry, Elena. I was trying to hurt you when I said that you would never truly be happy with Damon because you weren't human. And now you are, and I just hope that it's not because I made you think that you would be miserable for eternity."
Elena walks toward her and touches Grace's arm comfortingly.
"Gracie, I've wanted to be human from the day I became a vampire. Besides, I'm the last person that you need to apologize to."
"Thanks, I kind of wanted to start with an easy one."
She laughs awkwardly, and Elena nods in understanding.
"The dreaded 'Amends Tour'."
"Mmm, if you see Stefan, by the way, I am avoiding. (She looks at herself in the mirror.) I just need to get my life in order first. Starting with my friends."
"Stefan's not a friend?"
"Stefan's... complicated. I just figured I'd work my way up to that one."
"Well, you're in the clear. He's got his hands full with Damon today."
"What's wrong with Damon?"
"Not much... (She hesitates before continuing on, trying hard to seem casual) He just said he would take the cure with me..."
Upon hearing this, Grace immediately turns to Elena and looks shocked.
"Damon Salvatore? Human? I... I can't even picture it."
"(sadly) Yeah. Something tells me neither can he."

Grace helps decorate the venue.
Grace is walking up to an waiter with champagne glasses on his plate.
"Oh, excuse me, they need some more drinks over there. Thank you."
Elena walks to Grace.
"Hey, where's Jo? Is she..."
"She's fine. They discharged her."
"Good. Well, there's a back entrance she can use that avoids being seen."
"Okay, I'll tell her."
Grace texts someone on her phone. Elena sees Stefan approaching them in his tux and calls out to him.
Grace turns around and sees Stefan. She quickly becomes alarmed and turns to Elena.
"...I'm gonna go wait for Jo."
"(smiles) Okay."
Elena watches Grace run away just as Stefan makes it over to her.

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