I walked downstairs to a big commotion. People were just walking around everywhere putting up decorations, setting up food. I made it my duty to make the punch. I made too bowls: one with alcohol and one alcohol free. I labeled them with a giant grin(= alcoholic) and and smile (= non alcoholic). By the end of the night, they'll both be alcoholic anyways. Therefore I put a cooler of sodas out too. I walked out of the kitchen bumping into Micah.

"Well excuse you. I didn't know you were blind." I said sarcastically.

"Don't motorboat my balls." he exclaimed. I was so confused, yet I laughed. Micah always has something weird to say.

I continued to help out here and there until 7. Everyone that was helping came dressed, so they chilled. I on the other hand walked up to my room and changed into my black daisy dukes, a red tank top with Marilyn Monroe in all white with red lips, and my Jordan Retro 5s. As usual, Makayla and Sirya barged into my room with a makeup bag. I sighed and sat in the chair.

"I love your outfit. It's too tomish for me, but you rock it." Makayla 'complimented' as she set the makeup bag down on the dresser.

They began to do my makeup, but they made sure it was light or else I was going to make them take it off. I don't like caking my face with makeup, looking like a barbie doll. No ma'am, no ham, no turkey Ms. Shirley just let me go.

When they finished, I looked in a mirror and gave them a thumbs up of my approval. I had on black lipstick... I liked that. I should wear it more. There was no eye shadow but there was eyeliner and mascara. My eyebrows were on fleek too. I walked downstairs. The people were walking in already. I found Lauren and Courtney and we got pre turnt. By 8, the house was amp. I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Hey cutie when can we link up?" I looked up to the boy in front of me. He was cute no lie, but that's no way to address a girl. I should go off, but I don't feel like it.

"You got the wrong one today." I said.

"My bad McKenna. I thought you were Makayla." he apologized. I shrugged as he nervously walked away. The struggle of having a slutty sister. I shook my head and walked back to my friends, but not before I was stopped again.

"McKenna?" Dominic appeared in front of me. He was looking very spiffy, if I do say so myself. He had on a red color shirt with khaki joggers and all black Timberland boots.

"Hello." I smiled. He smiled back at me revealing his perfect set of pearly whites and his dimples. I love dimples. Oh, I wish I had dimples. I would be so cute with dimples.

"Are you enjoying the party?" he asked as we continued walking, pushing our way through hormonal teenagers trying to swallow each other or having sexual intercourse with their clothes on on the dance floor.

I shrugged, "It's ok, but I'm probably about to turn in." Just like that a yawn came over me. I yawn when I think the word yawn. That might be a little weird.

"Do you mind if I come chill with you? This party is not hitting on nothing." I laughed. I think that's slang from wherever he came from because this is the first time someone actually said it to me.

"Sure." I replied as we walked up the stairs. I guided him to my room. He sat on my bed and looked around as I flipped on the small lamp, not wanting to turn on the whole light. I removed my shoes and sat on my bed.

"Your room is awesome!" He marveled.

"Yeah it took a lot of convincing, but my dad can't say no to my puppy dog eyes." I said.

My walls were painted black, even the ceiling. I had a thick Coral Blue carpet with Coral Blue curtains and dresser. Everything in my room was black and Coral blue. I really had trouble because my mom tried to force me to get pink walls. That was too normal.

"I have to say, it's not a typical girl's room." He pointed out. I shrugged. I'm not a typical girl. My worst fear is not being different. As a twin, individually is very important to me.

"So how do you like our school so far?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation. I could start a conversation with any one almost. I'm just a talkative person like that.

"It's good. Your brother was joking me for being a nerd, but I can't help that im smart." He answered. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Cocky much?" I joked.

"I got a long cock so of course I'm cocky." He shrugged. My jaw dropped. Oh goody! Now im have two boys in my life that are pros at sexual sarcasm! Please note my sarcasm.

The good kind.

*knock knock*

"Yo are you guys busy," Micah asked. I heard the smirk in his voice. He didn't even wait on the answer before he opened the door. "I knew she wasn't giving you none. She's a goody two shoes."

"What exactly do you want?" I asked. Micah chuckled. I swear annoying me is his full time job.

"I got bored of this party. I came to see if you want to watch a movie with me." Micah said. That's our thing. No matter how much he irks my nerves we bond through movie watching. Sometimes I wish Makayla and I had a thing. To be twins, we couldn't be less close.

"Can we watch frozen?" I asked.

He shrugged as he sat in the bean bag chair with my black blanket. I cossyed up with my cover while Dominic sat up straight against the headboard. I went to frozen and pressed play. This is my idea of fun. No party needed. Just me and my television..... I guess Micah and Dominic are ok for now.





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