"In the box is a key to every object, every scroll, spell ever collected for thousands of years under one roof. It is the supernatural mother load."

I lifted my gaze from the coffee table at that.

"So..." I spoke, "Abaddon wants the key so she can get her hands on it."

"Can you imagine what she would do with that?" Larry chuckled.

"So how do we stop her?" Sam asked. "How do we stop Abaddon?"

"You don't," Larry replied, taking out a pen and writing something down on a notepad. "If you know where the key is, then take it to these coordinates."

He handed the pad to me.

"Throw it in. Shut the door forever. And walk away."

"Wait, w-why would we do that?" I stammered.

"Because it is the safest place on earth, warded against any evil ever created. It is impervious to any entry, except the key."

"Right, but then all that knowledge would be- would be lost and gone forever," Sam pointed out.

"And that is the price we have to pay for keeping it away from Abaddon," Larry replied solemnly. "You do... have the key, don't you?"

"We don't... but, uh..." Sam stood and I did with him along with the other woman, "my brother does."

"How rude," the woman interrupted. "You haven't finished your tea, Sam. Ellie."

The woman's eyes turned black and she raised her hand, sending Sam and I to the ground. As I fought to stay conscious, I watched as Abaddon killed Larry and then my world went black.

Sam and I had our hands bound in front of us and we stood with Abaddon inside a processing plant down the road from Larry's house. She was back in Josie's body and was wearing the outfit the young woman from Astro Comics had been wearing. As we waited, Dean and Henry came through the far door, Henry with his hands behind his back while Dean gripped one of his arms.

"Don't do it, Dean," Henry said.

"Too late for that now," Dean replied.

"That's the problem with you hunters. You're all short-sighted."

"Yeah, at least we're not extinct. Abaddon! I'll send Henry over with the box. You do the same with Sam and Ellie. No tricks."

We watched as Dean put the box into Henry's jacket pocket.

"My only interest is in Henry and the key," Abaddon said. "You three are free to go."

Dean gave his grandfather a shove, but he didn't move, so he took out his gun.

"You can do this standing, or you can do it crawling. Your choice."

Sam and I started walking toward Dean while Henry started walking toward Abaddon.

"Henry, I'm sorry," Sam said as we passed him.

"Save it," Henry snapped.

When we reached Dean, he took out his knife and cut the ropes on our hands.

"Don't do this, Dean," Sam pleaded. "This is a bad idea."

"Shut your mouth. Let's go. Come on."

We turned to leave, but the door closed thanks to Abaddon.

"We had a deal!" Dean yelled, turning back.

"Surprise," she grinned, laughing. "I lied."

We watched as she plunged her hand into Henry's abdomen.

"Henry!" Sam yelled.

He moved to run over to his grandfather, but Dean stopped him.

"Wait. Wait," he told him.

Abaddon withdrew her hand and Henry gasped, his mouth full of blood.

"You're not the only one," he rasped.

Pulling a gun out from behind his back, he shot Abaddon under her chin and she started sparking with gold light.

"Whoo! What a blast," she grinned when she stopped sparking. "Now, give me the box."

Reaching into Henry's pocket, the demon pulled out a deck of playing cards which she threw on the ground.

"Where is it?!" she screamed.

Sam, Dean and I glanced at the ceiling as the lights flickered on and off with flying sparks accompanied by a loud crashing noise.

"Okay. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Dean continued to hold me and Sam back as Abaddon grabbed Henry's chin and attempted to breathe black smoke into his mouth. However, it stopped short, seeming to meet an invisible shield. She shoved Henry to the ground and Sam rushed over to him, propping him up. I took a step closer to Dean as Abaddon tried to move, but couldn't. She screamed again, causing more sparks to fly from the lights.

"Why am I stuck?!" she demanded.

"Devil's trap bullet," Dean smirked.

"You still didn't kill me."

"No, but you'll wish we did," Dean said. "The demon trap in your noggin is going to keep you from smoking out. We're gonna cut you into little steaks and bury each strip under cement. You might not be dead, but you'll wish you were."

With that, he swung at her with his machete, chopping her head off.

"We did it," Henry gasped.

Dean went over and crouched next to his brother in front of his grandfather. I was just staring at the beheaded body of my grandmother.

"No, you did it. For a bookworm, that wasn't bad, Henry."

"I'm sorry I judged you three so harshly for being hunters. I should have known better."


"You're also Winchesters and a Dawson. As long as we're alive, there's always hope. I didn't know my son as a man, but having met you two... I think I would have been proud of him."

I tore my gaze from my grandmother to look over at the three Winchester men. Henry was holding Dean's hand and his eyes closed as he stopped breathing. Sam and Dean exchanged a look, then Sam looked at the box Henry had put in his hand. As he looked back up, Dean turned to look over at me.

Saints or Sinners | {BOOK 3}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ