Chapter 24

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" I'm sorry"Gulf  apologize To Mew. " I'm sorry that I didn't told you about Phi Rose and Jack relationship. "

Mew just keep silent the Boys are alone in Gulf's house because Rose insist To take care of Tharn and Natasha Today. and she believe That Gulf and Mew need to Talk.

Mew is still silent so Gulf decided To go to his room and sleep. He was about To stood up when Mew held his hand and Make Gulf sat on his lap  Sideways.

" You betrayed me and chose to team up with my sister's plan I guess you need a punishment for that." Mew said and he sensually  kissed Gulf's earlobe.

Gulf felt shivers on Mew's kiss. " Mew!.."

Mew smirk on Gulf's reaction on his touch he move down his lips into Gulfs neck and suck It. Gulf fight what he feels and he stood up  but Mew grab him and hug him from the back and kissed his nape. Gulf again felt shiver on Mew's touch and he close his eyes feeling Mew's lips kissing his nape,
Earlobe and to his neck.

" Hmmm" Gulf slightly moan.

Mew pulled Gulf and face to him then he claim Gulf's lips. Gulf lost his Trands of restraining and reciprocate Mew's kissed. Mew slightly bite Gulfs lips so he can enter his Tounge. Gulf give Mew what he wants.  And open his mouth.

Mew's Tounge roaming inside Gulf's mouth. Gulf in circle his hands on Mew's neck and deepen The kissed. Mew slowly pulling Gulf and they seated on the sofa Mew make Gulf sat on his lap straddling without breaking The kissed. Gulf slowly grining against Mew.

Mew's cock slowly harden with Gulf's action. Mew broke The kissed and run his lips into Gulf's neck placing a mark on it. Then Mew was about to pulled Gulfs shirt when Gulf back to his senses and get off on Mew's lap. Breathing heavily from their make out.

" This is not right, I know I am the mother of your child but we shouldn't doing this .even though i let you do it because I love you  but Tharn and Natasha is enough" Gulf utter he knows Mew didn't love him He won't Let Mew do him this Time.

" What did you say?" Mew ask.

" Tharn and Natasha is enough" Gulf answer.

" Before That" Mew utter.

Gulf realize what Mew talking about." No nothing never mind."

" Since when?" Mew ask

Gulf just look at him with the since when what face.

"Since when did you started to love me?" Mew ask again.

" I love you as a friend" Gulf said trying to change the topic.

" Don't played with me Gulf you just said earlier that you love me.." Mew utter

Gulf sigh" fine! Weather I love you or not it doesn't matter anyway. because I know you can't love me the way I do!" Gulf sarcastically said.

" Says who?" Mew retorted.

Gulf just keep silent.

" I Love You ." Mew utter

Gulf keep on silent. Mew face gulf looking straight into Gulf's eyes.

" I love you and I want you to be my husband, let's get married gulf." Mew utter carries Gulf's face.

" I know you just said That cause you don't want me to feel imbarras." Gulf exclaim

" Baby, believe me I love you. With all my heart. I think I feel inlove with you when I saw and peck you up in the airport but I ignored it  because I don't want to ruin our friendship." Mew explained.

" I guess you are just  tired take a rest. " Gulf said and stood up and went to his room.

Mew has Nothing to do. because Gulf already get  inside his room. And he decide to rest and he will talk to Gulf Tomorrow again about his feelings.


" I am Fine in double wedding honey! " Rose said to mew she really hopes that Mew and Gulf Sorted Their love to each other.

" He didn't believe me Phi, " Mew said pouting lips." I confess My love to gulf but he doesn't  believe. he also said That I am just telling I love him because he confess first."

Rose silent for a moment then speak" I can't blame Gulf for thinking That way  even me if I am on his situation I will Think That Too. But maybe if you will court him then maybe he accepts your love latter on." Rose suggest.

" Do you think so phi?" Mew ask.

Rose patted  Mew's shoulder" yes honey " Then Rose kissed the top of head of her brother.

But because Mew never did and used on courting process He will not do it. And letting Gulf what ever he want. He has Tharn and Nathasha and That's enough for him.

Mew stay for another day just to spend more time on his children.

" Babies, Daddy will be back on Thailand later. " Mew said to Tharn and Natasha.

" Okay Daddy we will fallowed you in a  month" Tharn smile.

" I know son."

Mew kissed the forehead of Tharn and Natasha.

" I will send you in the airport baby! " Rose said to her brother

" Thanks phi! But I can manage." Mew object.

" I insist and don't declined it." Rose retorted.

" Let us send you in the airport bro." Jack added.

Mew never argued more.

Gulf just  silently listening to them. After That Mew's  confession Gulf avoiding Talking To him. And rose just watching his two brothers actions.


" Bye Daddy Take care." Tharn Said  he insist to come sending Mew on the airport to go back home in Thailand. Gulf didn't came because Nathasha feel asleep.

" Thank you baby" mew said and hug Tharn.

Rose and Jack bid goodbye To Mew as well. After sometime Mew's plane flew. Rose and the rest back to gulf's house.

" Phi I'm sorry"

Gulf apologize To their elder sister as he felt guilt on not believing Mew and acting cold to him  The two zipping a coffee in the living area while Jack is the one who taking care of the kids they are already sleeping.

Rose silent for a while

" I've witnessed everything nong and  I understand you.  That's your personal life.  It is your choice.  We both  knew who Mew is. Now if decide to not believe my brother  it's Fine with me. No matter what your decision is. Mew will always be the father of  Tharn and Nathasha. Don't Think to much sweety."

After sometime of talking they rest and self on their respective rooms.

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