Chapter 15

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Days passed since Gulf entered in Mew's room, Gulf avoid to be near with Mew he still felt guilty and shy. Some night he can feel what he feels that night again but he restrain himself and manage to pleasure himself all alone.

He is just pregnant with Mew. Even though he loves Mew but they are not in a relationship. Gulf has  no rights to demand Mew especially when it comes to intimate when Mew is sober.

Gulf avoiding Mew  noticed by Tharn. Instead of asking his parents what's going on between his parents.  Tharn ask his Momma Rose.

" Mom? Are my parents is fighting again? "

" No baby everything is fine between your parents, it just that there is something happened last week that Gulf felt shy om your Daddy that's why he is avoiding him." Rose explain.

"Is it about my parents sleeping together in one room Momma?" Tharn ask again.

"Ahh" rose think" kinda, baby but don't worry your parents is okay maybe because of your Dada pregnancy that's why he is a little bit  distance away from your Daddy."

" Okay Momma, now I get it." Tharn smile.

Tharn understand his Dada but he is stubborn as Mew. When Mew come home from the office he ask his Daddy to accompanied him watch a movie he ask his Dada Gulf also.

Even though Gulf still felt shy with Mew. He can't declined Tharn's request. The three watching movie in dining area the helper give them food so they can ate while watching.

After sometime Rose come home and Gulf noticed her and saw the person with her.

" Ohh my gosh! Baby your Papa is here!" Gulf talk to Tharn.

Tharn answer still his eyes on the screen. " You must be kidding Dada."

" Did my sweet baby miss me?" someone utter.

Tharn move his gazed to the owner of the voice then he jump out from Mew's lap and runs to the person.

" Papa! Your here!  Of course I miss you.." Tharn hug jack.

Mew  frown looking at them hugging tightly. Then Gulf stood up and meet Jack as well.

" Ohh I miss my big baby as well."  Jack utter and hug Gulf.

" Long time no see phi, I miss you too." Gulf said and hug Jack.

" Ohh! I am hurt you are pregnant again! I thought,  we will be  getting married the next time I saw you" Jack pout" but it's okay I still can marry you after you give birth right?" Jack stated.

Rose is just smiling from ear to ear as she can saw the reaction of Mew.

" What are you saying Phi.. r...."

Jack  come closer to gulf and kissed his forehead then whisper in Gulf's ear." Just go with the flow nong and thank me later."

Gulf who is clueless obeyed jack. And nodded his head.
Mew is fuming with anger.  when he saw Gulf agreed to that married thing.

" Papa, did you bring gifts for me?" Tharn innocently ask.

Mew ask rose he didn't wait jack answer tharn question
" Phi Rose ko who is he? Why he is with you " Mew utter.

Rose smile." Oh! My manners! I'm sorry darling for not introducing him. First."  Am this is Jack Tannayong and Jack this is  Mew Alexis my brother."  Rose said.

Jack shook his hands to Mew." Nice meeting you bro."

Mew shake his hands and smile to Jack forcefully as he is annoyed Jack treatment towards Gulf.

" I guess the dinner is ready, let's eat" Rose cleared the atmosphere.

Rose hold Tharn. While Jack assist Gulf as he is start walking into the dinning area. He even pulled a chair so Gulf can sit properly.

"Phi, you don't have to do this, but thankyou." Gulf smile.

" Your welcome Gulf and besides I am doing this just like before when you are pregnant with Tharn, and just like before you are cute when You are pregnant." Jack pinch Gulf's cheek.

" Can you start  eating and stop flirting with gulf." Mew utter.

Jack ignore mew. And ask Gulf.

" Baby! What do you want to eat I will get it for you.?"

" It's okay Phi, I can manage." Gulf said but Jack insisted. Gulf just let Jack do whatever he wants.

" Papa, can you give me the fried chicken?" Tharn utter

Jack smile he  get the food and put it into Tharn's plate  ." Oh my small baby asking for my attention. Huh, here you go baby! Eat will."

" Thanks Papa" tharn smile to Jack and starting to consume his food.

Rose just watching this whole scenario smiling wide from ear to ear. She thinks her plans, will be successful it is the first day but she can saw mew's anger face.

After they eat. They all back to the living room, as Tharn wants to watch movie before he get to sleep.  Mew is seated in the sofa across with Gulf while Gulf is between with Jack and Rose.

Mew is glancing at Gulf from time to time as Jack is very close to him,  in Mew's mind he wants to pulled Gulf and make him sat beside him.

When the movie is done, Tharn is so sleepy so he ask Jack to sleep beside him.

" Papa, can you sleep beside me?"

Jack smile" hmm I want to sleep beside your Dada as i miss him but of course I will sleep beside you first. But tomorrow night I will sleep beside your Dada is that okay with you baby?"
Tharn nodded" yes Papa"

" Okay I will accompany your Dada into his room then I will be back and we can go together in your room to sleep." Jack said

" You can go with my son in  his room I will send Gulf into his room." Mew stated.  help Gulf's hand and they climb

When Mew and Gulf out of sight in Rose, Tharn and Jack eyes. They laughed.

" Momma, do you think your plans will work?" Tharn ask.

" Of course baby! Did you not saw your Daddy's face.?" Rose smirk

" I hope  we, succeeded babe even though my gesture towards gulf is genuine but I don't know how long I can go far to make your brother jealous and admit his feelings towards  our baby boy" Jack utter

" Don't worry babe! It will not take so long, trust me this matter." Rose wink at Jack.

As Tharn request Jack sleep into his room, and the kid already knew about  his momma plans, and Tharn wants to  help to make his Daddy's jealous as he want his parents to be together.

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