chapter 6

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It's been three days now since rose attended on a business meetings abroad.  While she is gone mew taking care of thier company and meeting his girlfriend at thesame time.

Mew didn't got a chance to introduce his girlfriend to gulf so he planned today he will bring Claire into Thier house since rose is not around.

Gulf and tharn watching a movie on living room when the door open and mew with his girlfriend show up. Tharn who's watching ship his glance into them. And look at gulf.

" Dada who's with daddy mew, is that his girlfriend?" Tharn ask.

Gulf just nodded, mew and clair come closer to them holding hands.

" Gulf  this is clair my girlfriend" mew said. " Babe this is gulf my bestfriend and this is tharn his son."

Gulf smile and greeted clair.

" Your the one I saw int the   pub right?  I'm sorry I didn't introduce my self to you that time" clair sassily said.

" It's okay! Nice meeting you" gulf answer.

" Hello there, baby boy?" She said at tharn.

Tharn smile timidly to her. And move his gazed to mew.

" Daddy, please join us here." Tharn said.

" Babe! Why is he calling you daddy, and you said you will show your room to me." Clair said wink at mew.

" He's my bestfriend son, so I let him call me that way, Im sorry but I can't bring you there maybe next time." Mew utter.

Mew guided clair to sit the sofa in the living room beside him but tharn has a plan so he move sat into mew's lap. Clair can't flirt with mew.

Gulf is just watching on his son action.

Tharn can feel sleepy but he won't go to sleep. because he want to guard his daddy mew gulf noticed it so he approached tharn.

"Baby let's go to your room  I think you are sleepy already." Gulf Said

" It's okay da, I can manage and i want daddy mew to sleep beside me." Tharn utter.

" But baby! Your daddy need to send aunt clair later he can't sleep beside you let's go I'll sleep with you. " gulf convincing tharn

But tharn being a stuborn kid didn't mind gulf plea.

"It's okay gulf, I can manage"

Mew Put tharn on his chest so tharn feel comfortable if he sleep took over him.

After sometime tharn feel asleep gulf wants to take tharn on mews body but tharn hold on tight on mew.

" It's okay gulf I will send him later into his room then I will send my girlfriend after." Mew utter.

Gulf sit back on the chair across them. He can saw Clair flirting on mew. But he focus on the movie. The next he glance at them they already making out. He felt pain in his heart again he can only heave a sigh.

Mew and clair stop what they are doing when the heard the loud slamming on the door.

" Phi.." gulf stood up and greet  rose.

Rose put her things and glared at them coming closer. she saw tharn already sleeping in mew's body. And her angry rise up.

" Alexis,  I told you to take care of tharn and gulf while I'm away,  but I never told you to show your assholeness to them specialy to tharn." rose said

Gulf hurriedly get tharn on mew's body, but rose stop him.

" Stop right there! Anderson," rose said and glance at mew" I already told don't bring your bitch into our house, but you disobeyed me."

"  Phi, I will send here home." mew utter.

" No! She will go home alone" rose angrily said.

She get tharn and Carrie the kid.

" I am so disappointed to the both of you."  Rose said and went upstairs.

Mew didn't against rose this time he let his girlfriend going home alone. While gulf tried to step inside tharn's room but it's locked so he went to his room and talk to rose in the morning. When clair step out in mew's room he went to his room and sleep to have strength to face his older sister in the morning.


In the morning rose with tharn at the dining table eating breakfast, gulf just woke up he greeted his son and rose but the lady ignore him.. after sometime mew also join them just like gulf he greeted tharn and rose. The kid greeted him back but his elder sister ignore him.

Mew and gulf being silent eating thier food they knows the lady in the house pissed and disappointed both of them. When rose finished her food same with tharn.

Rose went to the living room tharn fallowed her.

"Momma, are you angry at my parents." tharn sadly said he understands what is happening around him.

" I am just disappointed at your parents baby and pity of you at thesame time for  having a asshole and stubborn parents." rose said

"  you're right momma!  I'll be the happiest kid,  if my parents end up together but that's impossible because daddy had a girlfriend." tharn pouted

" I look forward that too baby! Don't worry momma will not let your daddy married to anyone. your daddy is for your dada only." Rose said.

" Yey!!! " Tharn whine.

" I'm sorry phi, I know I should not let tharn saw mew and his girlfriend. But what I could do tharn wants to be with mew and mew just letting him." Gulf said he insist  talk to rose he can't bare rose cold treatment to him

" I feel pity with my nephew he is making his way to show his owner ship with my brother. imagine compiting your self to the girlfriend of your father's attention at his young age and the worst is mew didn't recognize him as his son .you are not being fair with mew and tharn, I know it's not my right to tell this but could you stop being selfish and let mew knows about tharn." Rose said kinda begging to gulf.

" But you already know phi the reason why I am not telling mew about tharn until now?" Gulf said

" That's why I am calling you a selfish, you are concerned about what might mew feel when he knows the truth and you are afraid that knowing tharn as his son. can ruin your friendship.  Is that your friendship more important than the happiness of your son?, look Anderson ruining your friendship with mew doesn't change the fact that mew is tharn's father. If I were you.tell mew the truth before tharn feel hate towards my brother yes.. he is an asshole but I love him I love you both.. and whatever happened I am always here. Beside you." Rose tell everything what's on her mind she's been hiding that for long.

Gulf keep silent until rose left him to rest.

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