chapter 7

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Mew and gulf apologize to rose but the lady still ignoring and treat cold to them.  Mew after office hours he immediately went home and he never met clair after rose came back. While gulf felt sad because of rose treatment to him.

After office hours gulf went on a bar to relax and he got drunk but manage to go home. When he arrived at mew's home. Mew is the one who will open the door for him it's like dejavu four years ago the deference is mew got wasted that time.

Mew was about to step away from gulf's room. Because of alcohol gulf pulled mew and claim his lips. Mew stunned and got  shock of gulf sudden action.  gulf never let go of mew's lips keep kissing him until mew responded.

Gulf make mew laid on the bed now he is on top of mew running his lips into mew's neck.  licking and sucking it hard Living a mark. In every touch of gulf mew's dick get hard he doesn't know why his body affected on gulf's touch  because mew is sobber. before gulf continue what he is  doing and before mew lost his control. he pushed the drunkard gulf on the bed and he hurriedly step out and went to his room.

At mews room he is cursing and scolding his  self, why he let gulf kissed him and wondering at the same time how gulf did that things. Mew starting to doubt about gulf's sexuality.


Rose and tharn already at the dining area. The two munching they're food when gulf joined them and followed by mew.

" Ohh dear! I prepared a soup for you, I heard you get drunk last night" rose utter.

Gulf felt happy because he heard his phi sweetly called him this is the sign that rose didn't upset to him anymore

" Thank you phi." Gulf thanking rose.

Mew keep on glancing on gulf, he didn't know tharn gazing at him.

" Daddy, I bet a big mosquito get inside your room and bite your neck." tharn said.

Rose chuckle.

Mew remember what gulf did to him last night he glared at the younger who starting taking the soup.

" This is your dada's doing baby." mew suddenly utter.

Gulf got confused" what did I do?" He ask.

" You really don't remember huh! Do you want me to spell infront of your son what you did last night drunkard." mew  spat

" don't worry I will tell him later honey." rose speak chuckling.

" What do you mean, phi? You saw us?" Mew ask rose.

" Ahah!" Rose smirk.

Gulf who's clueless in everything continue to eat and tharn us well.

After sometime they all finished taking Thier breakfast. Mew went to Thier company while gulf decide not to go in the office as he is drunk last night.

" I only  ask you to tell mew about tharn. Honey But you surprised me last night. " rose utter.

" Stop teasing me phi, I really don't  remember what I did last night." Gulf pout.

" Well let me tell you then," rose sat on the end of gulf's bed." I was about to go down stairs last night to drink a water. but I heard the sound in your room so I cheek and my eyes almost pup out on what I saw."

Gulf who's eager to know." Just straight to the point phi." he cut of rose.

" You kissed mew and that mark on his neck is the proof that you go further." rose laugh.

Gulf felt shy put his hands to cover his face. Shit gulf curse himself how can I face him now.

" Phi,  please let us move in my house you can visit tharn there" gulf utter.

Rose never ask and said" okay if that's what you want. I think that's great idea and to prevent tharn felt hate towards mew. More"

" Thank you phi"

Rose nodded" I will help you to pack your things"

Rose help gulf and she explain to tharn, and the kid understand. At the afternoon before mew come home rose send gulf and tharn into gulf's house.


Mew come home he wonder why so silent no sign of gulf especially no tharn Approaching him
Mew thinks that maybe they go out with rose, he went to his room take a bath then rest for a while. He heard of rose car so he hurriedly step in his room there's is something in him that wants to saw gulf.

He saw rose is the only one who getting inside. So he ask his older sister about gulf and tharn

" Phi! I thought gulf and tharn is with you?"

Rose hug him" oh gulf ask me to let them move in his house. His afraid that next time he got drunk he  might ask you to bang him." rose chuckle.

" Phi...." Mew whine..

" Kidding! After he knew the truth he decide to move in his house with tharn gulf felt shy about what he did to you last night." rose utter.

" Gulf, doesn't need to shy it's normal for drunk people do silly things and I am not mad at him." mew said.

" Yes!  Honey! But he is your so called bestfriend. you already know his preference in life" rose said and place her body into the caoch.

" Phi I wonder why you didn't angry when you saw the hickeys of my neck it's seems like you liked it." Mew ask he realized that earlier.

Rose cross her legs and said." My reaction depends on the person do that to you. and I am telling you if that is gulf then I am very fine with it. and I will be  glad if gulf  we'll be my brother in-law."

Mew laugh" phi you are just kidding right?" mew grin

" No I'm not! I don't like all of your bitchis especially that clair girl. I only like gulf." Rose stated.

" Do you know about gulf's sexuality?" Mew can't dare to ask like this to gulf. Might ask her sister as well.

"Hmm on that case, I am not sure but, gulf told me aside of tharn there is one person he love the most. But suddenly that person is asshole and he only sees gulf as his friend." rose giving mew some hint.

" You mean gulf like guys?" Mew felt surprised" he never mentioned this things to me."

" That's because you never ask? " Rose talk back." and correction gulf doesn't like guys he only like one man" 

" Well, that  man would be the luckiest to be love by gulf." mew utter.

" Ofcourse if he knows everything about gulf, that asshole could be the luckiest." Rose said and left mew.

Mew stayed at the living room thinking his new discover about  about his so called bestfriend.

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