"Well actually..." He said, holding up a paper with my name scribbled on it. I gasped, smiling widely.  Well I'll be damned, this little trickster!

"No way!" I said. He nodded, chuckling, How did be keep that a secret this whole time!

"Yeah I bribed some kid to trade with me. I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise and obviously it surprised you. I got your present today, open it." He said, handing it to me. I took the present, opening it carefully

I laughed, pulling out a grey tee shirt, pretty much identical to the one that got ruined with the coffce. "You know me so well. Thank rou." I said chuckling.

He winked at me, crossing his arms in triumph I sighed, putting the shirt back in the box. "Ryker. I'm sorry I don't have a present for you " I said apologetically.

"It's okay, you gave me the best gift ever when you gave me a chance to be in your life." He said smiling sweetly. I felt my chest explode and my face heat up, with a feeling I can't even explain. It felt like a flower
blooming in my chest, that's the only way I could explain it. Is that cheesy? I feel like it is.

"Come with me." I said, putting the present down and grabbing his wrist. I dragged him out of the gym, pulling him into the hallway and around the corner.

"Why are we out here?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Should I do this? I mean. I'm still kinda uncertain about this whole thing, but what he said back there made something happen to me. I think I know at least one thing for a fact though.

"Mason?" He asked again.

I took in a deep breath, preparing myself mentally. I shook my head lightly, looking up at him confidently. Well, in mock confidence anyways.

"Mason what're you—"

"I like you." I interrupted, walking forward and standing on my tip toes, pressing my lips against his. It was fast, but it counted. And it was also very embarrassing.

"Merry Christmas." I said lowly, my face on fire. He looked down at me in shock, not saying anything.
"Now don't get too cocky now, one kiss means barely
anything." I said. He smiled before grabbing my face in his hands and slamming his lips against mine.

He pressed me against the wall, nibbling my bottom lip. I groaned, opening my mouth and letting him in for once. He wasted no time putting his tongue in my mouth, dominating over me in a millisecond. It was getting hot real fucking quick.

His hands slowly moved down my body, caressing every part of me. His hands rested on my ass, squeezing it. I groaned against his mouth, the noise bouncing against the walls of the empty hallway. It was different, being the one who submits in a
relationship. I'm used to girls, and how delicate and small they are compared to me. But Ryker, he's a whole different ball game, and being with him is just as good, if not better, than being with a girl.

He pressed against me more, if that was even possible, and I felt his manhood. I moaned embarrassingly, his excitement catching me by surprise. We kissed for a while, I don't even know for how long, before I pushed him away. I'm surprised nobody caught us.

He was breathing hard and so was I, and his eyes were hooded over. "Ryker..." I breathed. That was really intense, but I liked it.

Oh god what has he done to me?

"You really mean it?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.
"No, you really mean it?" He asked, his voice kind of shaky. I nodded and he smiled, picking me up and spinning me around.

When he put me back on the floor he was still smiling. I mean it." I said. "If I hadn't meant it I wouldn't have said it. I like you Ryker. I don't know how you did it to me but you did."

He smiled, grabbed my hips and pulling me against him again. "So does that mean you'll be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Woah woah Ryker. Calm down, I already told you to slow it down. One step at a time." I said, smirking. It's true, I realized I like the boy but being his boyfriend? I'm not ready for that or what

"But you know you want to." He said, smirking. He kissed my neck a few times, making my breath hitch.
"Ryker. no more, not in the hallway." I said. He stepped away from me, putting his hands up.

"Sorry, sorry. Ill keep my hands to myself." He said

"I highly doubt that." I said. He shrugged, shuffling on his feet.

"Let's go back to the party." He said. I nodded, both of us walking down the hallway side by side. I peeked up at him and he was already looking at me. I looked back at the floor, my cheeks feeling hot and the corners of my lips turning up.

And I couldn't ignore our hands brushing together lightly as we walked.

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