Chapter 36: Midnight Arrest

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Jungkook's POV

A soft knock on the door wakes me up, so I carefully slide out of bed and put on some clothes. When I open the door, Hobi hyung smiles at me and hugs me.

"What's wrong?" I softly ask and hug him back.

"Nothing really. I just want a hug," He grins and looks up at me.

"Did you not sleep well?" I ask and leave the room with Hyung.

"I tried, but I'm nervous since we sent him the video." Hyung explains as we sit on a couch together.

"Hmm, it'll be ok in the end." I smile and hug him. "Did you have a nightmare about getting shot?" 

"Yeah." He sighs and closes his eyes as he leans against me.

"Go to sleep. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." I hum and wait for him to fall asleep.

"Is Hyung ok?" Tae's soft voice catches my attention as he walks over to us.

"He's ok. He had a nightmare." I smile and reach out my hand for him.

"Oh." He hums and sits next to me then leans into my embrace.

Soon, the living room is filled with the soft sounds of sleeping. I can't stop the smile that fills my face when I look at my Love and my Hyung sleeping in my arms. I will always be their safe place.

"Jungkook, wake up." Jin's soft voice wakes me up.

"What is it?" I mumble and try to focus on him.

"Minjun has been trying to contact Hyojo." Jin explains which wakes me up rather quickly.

When I look around, I realize that Taehyung and Hobi hyung are already up. I quickly get up and walk over to them.

"What is he saying?" I ask and lean over Taehyung to see the messages.

"Shit about how he's going to find her and send the videos and pictures he's taken of her to the news." Tae answers and hands me the laptop.

"He has videos and pictures of the times we were intimate." Hyojo quietly whispers as tears stream down her pretty face. "My father would be mortified if he saw what Minjun made me do. I told myself that since I loved him, I didn't mind doing those things with him." She quietly whispers and covers her face in shame.

"We will contact the different news companies and make sure that they do not air the files that Minjun sends them. I'll make sure that you are safe." Tae smiles and gently hugs her as she cries.

"Thank you so much." She cries and hides in Tae's arms.

"Should we look at the files that Yeonjun gave us?" Jimin asks as he picks up the files from the table.

"That's a good idea. We can send something to the news about him." Yoongi hyung agrees and looks at the files with Jimin.

"Hmm they found one of his drug trades. How did Park Minjun get so involved with all of the illegal underground?" Namjoon mutters as he also goes through the files.

"Ok, let's send this to a prosecutor." Yoongi hyung mutters and pulls out his phone.

Within an hour, there is a knock at the door. Yoongi hyung quickly gets up with the file and hands it to the person at the door. I hear low muttering then the door shuts.

"I gave it to a trustworthy prosecutor. It'll be investigated today. He agreed to not make it prominent that Tae is his half-brother. People will know, but he agreed to not let it become a big deal." Yoongi hyung explains and picks up a tangerine.

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