Chapter 21: Getting Closer

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Jungkook's POV

When we pull up to Hobi hyung's land, I see several of the security that work for Taehyung standing around a man who has a gun pointed at his head. I am beyond furious that a scum like him almost harmed my Tae.

"Jungkook." Tae's voice is quiet and serious. "Do not ever jump in front of a bullet for me like that again. You are my Love not a shield." My Baby whispers at the end and looks down at his hands with tears in his eyes.

Jimin quickly leaves the car to give us some privacy.

"Would you even hesitate to take a bullet for me?" I ask and turn to look at him. 

He pauses and looks up at me then vigorously shakes his head.

"Neither will I. I will always protect you. I am not protecting you as a shield. I am protecting you because you are the person I love." I softly whisper and reach back to wipe the tear finding its way down his pretty face.

"Just be more careful." He sniffles and places his hand over mine then presses a kiss on my palm.

"I'll be careful." I smile and rub my thumb over his cheek.

After Tae is calm, we get out of the car and approach one of the bastards who shot at us. As we walk over, Jimin slams a knife in the man's thigh then lets out a guttural growl. Tae and I pause because we have never seen the sweet doctor shed blood before.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks as we walk up to him.

"He is refusing to talk." Jimin huffs and stands up then wipes the blood off of his hands onto the handkerchief one of the security hands him.

"Don't worry. He'll talk before we are finished with him." Tae chuckles and slams his foot on the dagger, driving it deeper into the man's thigh. "So, tell me. Why did you want to kill me?" Tae hisses and digs his fingers into the man's face as he grips the man's jaw and forces the man to look up at him.

When the man moves his mouth to spit on Tae, Tae quickly moves his face to the side then slams the man's face into the ground.

"Hey! Don't dirty my pretty fiance's face!" I shout and slam my foot in the man's abdomen.

"Kookie, he must not be talking since the other three have been arrested. He thinks that they won't talk. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. What an idiot. He doesn't know what Yoongi hyung is capable of." Tae sings at the end and reaches out for a gun from one of the guards.

Jimin and I take a step back as Tae cocks the gun and points it at the man's other hand. Tae winks then pulls the trigger. The shooter screams and bends over in pain as he struggles with the cuffs around his wrists.

"Gentlemen, he seems uncomfortable. Un-cuff him." I grin and walk over to the man as he continues to struggle. "There's rebar over there. Grab it for me." I instruct one of the guards as the man is un-cuffed.

Tae quietly watches as I grab the rebar and the man's hand. The man looks up at me in fear as his body shakes in pain.

"Jimin, look away." I mutter before driving the rebar through the man's abdomen into the ground, pinning him into the ground. I grimace when the bastard's blood splatters on my face as his scream pierces the air.

"You started without us!" Jin whines as he and Namjoon approach us.

"Sorry. You can blame Jimin." Tae grins and smacks Jimin's back.

"That's gruesome." Namjoon winces as he looks at the struggling man.

"It would hurt less if he would just stop moving." I growl and slam my foot on the bullet wound on the man's thigh.

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