Chapter 6: Rest

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Jungkook's POV

A nightmare rips me out of my sleep. As I pant in bed, I hear Taehyung muttering in his sleep beside me. His face is scrunched in pain, and tears are streaming down his face. I quickly lift him into my arms and begin rocking him.

"Tae, it's ok. I'm here. You're safe." I whisper and hold him to my chest.

"Koo. Please wake up. Koo. Please don't leave me." Taehyung cries out in his sleep as he clings to me.

"I'm not going anywhere, Love." I cry and rock him in my arms. Everything that has happened to us has left so many scars and bleeding wounds.

"I'm sorry. I left you. I left you alone. I'm so sorry. You must be so scared. I'm sorry. Wait for me." Taehyung whimpers and shakes as his nightmare continues.

"Tae, wake up. It's a nightmare. I'm here. You didn't leave me." I cry and shake him to wake him up.

"Koo!" Taehyung shouts and snaps his eyes open. He frantically looks around the room as he clings to me. "Koo." Taehyung whimpers when he finally looks up at me.

"Hey, Love." I smile and gently kiss him.

"I'm sorry." He cries and gently cups my face.

"No, you did nothing wrong." I smile and gently press my forehead to his.

"I left you when I should have stayed by your side." His eyes are looking at me with so much pain and guilt.

"No, you did so well. You listened to me so well. I told you to run. If you hadn't, Yoongi would have died. I would have died. You would have died. If you had stayed, Jimin would have lost the love of his life and his best friend. Hoseok hyung would have lost his only reason to live. Namjoon and Jin would have lost friends they hold dear. You got to help in time, so we are all alive. Do not blame yourself when you did nothing wrong." I cry and hold him close to me.

"Weren't you scared?" Taehyung asks me with big eyes.

"I was only afraid of not seeing you again. That was my only fear." I explain and gently wipe his tears away.

"I'm here, so you have nothing to fear now." Taehyung smiles then gently pulls me in to a kiss.

"Tell me your fear so that I can calm your fears." I whisper against his warm lips.

"I am afraid of losing you." Taehyung's answer breaks me because he has been living his worst fear for the past three years.

"You will never lose me. Never. I have followed you and watched over you for so long that you can't get rid of me that easily." I answer and wrap him in my arms.

We quietly stay in each other's arms and watch the sunrise. Taehyung's warm lips leave gentle kisses on my chest as he buries his face in my chest. I have missed this. I have missed this peace and silence. I have missed this love and warmth. I have missed Kim Taehyung. Is it really ok for us to be resting right now? There are still monsters out there who want to destroy Taehyung.

Yoongi's POV

I have been up all night dealing with busting the slave trades. I have done everything that I can to erase Jungkook's presence from their records. I was horrified to see that they kept records of the slaves they used, their worth, and when they died.

Luckily, that bastard did not use Jungkook's name. It took me some time to figure out which fighter is Jungkook.

"Min, have you figured out the name of the mobster who ran the slave trade?" The police chief asks me as he walks into my office. I mean, I have, but I haven't found solid evidence.

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