Chapter 12: Sunbae

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Hyunjin's POV

I can't believe that I got to be an official reporter for W Conglomerate. The new Chairman seems really kind and intelligent. He and his partner look like the type of relationship that I envy. His story is heartbreaking, but he looks happy with the group of friends he has.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" I quickly spin around when I hear my sunbae's voice.

"Yes?" I nervously ask as I look at Choi Yeonjun, the sunbae who is working at the largest news station in South Korea.

"Good job today. You seem to be the one that impressed Chairman Kim the most." Sunbae smiles and pats my back.

"Th-Thank you." I stutter and bow at his compliment.

"Of course! What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Sunbae's question leaves me stunned as I stare at him. I am pretty sure that my jaw has dropped.

"I uh I figured that I would go and grab some lunch." I mutter and clutch my ID that Secretary Jung made for me.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Sunbae keeps surprising me today. I have always heard that he is quiet but kind.

"S-Sure." I keep stuttering. Ugh! This is embarrassing.

"Cool, where were you planning on going?" Sunbae asks as we begin walking side-by-side.

"Um I hadn't decided yet." I mumble and look down. When I look down, I see our economic status difference just in our shoes. His shoes are brand new, polished Gucci shoes while my shoes are something that I have had since my first year of undergrad.

"Ok, what kind of food were you thinking?"

"Something I can afford." I blurt out suddenly then look at him with big eyes because my own mouth has shocked me.

"M'kay. What's your price range?" He asks with a soft chuckle and smile. Wait, did Choi Yeonjun just smile at me???

"Uhhh street food?" I nervously squeak out.

"Ok, let's go to your favorite vendor then." Sunbae smiles and waits for me to begin walking again.

"O-Ok." I stutter and begin to quickly walk to the best tteokbokki vendor.

The walk to the vendor is silent because neither of us really know what to say. I have to admit that I am beyond surprised that Sunbae even knows my name. He was literally the shining star of our university.

When we reach the vendor, I order two servings for both of us. Before I can order, Sunbae quickly hands cash to the vendor. I look at Sunbae completely shocked because I have no idea what this man wants.

"Thank you, Sunbae." I mumble and bow then quickly sit at the table next to the tiny eatery.

"Is this your absolute favorite tteokbokki stand?" Sunbae asks as he pokes his toothpick into a rice cake.

"Definitely." I smile and take a bite then hum happily.

Why is Sunbae smiling while watching me eat? Do I have something on my face?

"This is really good." Sunbae gasps and quickly takes a second bite.

"Isn't it?" I ask with a big smile.

"I will definitely have to make this a regular stop." Sunbae smiles as he happily munches on more rice cakes.

The rest of our quick meal goes by with happy eating. I am surprised to see a chaebol like him enjoy street food.

"Have you ever had street food before?" I suddenly ask when he gets up to buy another portion.

"I uh no ..." Sunbae quietly answers with a blush on his face.

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