Chapter 5: Please

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Because several of you have sweetly asked for this chapter, I set aside my project yesterday and finished this chapter. I hope that you enjoy it!!! 🖤😘🖤😘🖤😘

Taehyung's POV

As the crowd's screams ring in my ears, I look around the arena in fear. What if Kookie isn't here? What if it wasn't him? What will I do? Can I live with the acceptance that he is really gone?

"TAE! Snap out of it!" V's voice roars through my mind, and I snap back to my senses.

"Thanks." I mutter and step onto the arena.

I hear my heart beating out of my chest as I take a deep breath and look down at my feet. Namjoon hyung already fought. It wasn't Jungkook.

Through the screams and roar of the crowd and the deafening beating of my heart, I hear chains clinking and a steady foot fall accompanying the clinking. I close my eyes as I slow my breathing and tune out the crowd's noise.

When I slowly open my eyes, I see feet with shackles around the ankles. As I continue to stare, I watch as someone unshackles my opponent's feet. I take a deep breath and slowly look up.

The moment my eyes meet my opponent's eyes, I gasp and take a step back. He looks stunned as his eyes widen, and he freezes. 

"Concentrate. Now is not the time to pause. You have to knock him out so that you don't hurt him. He has never seen you fight, so he doesn't know your moves." V reminds me as I try to catch my breath.

"I am sure they have told him how I fight."

"I know that he will let you knock him out. You know where to aim without causing damage."



Our whispers can only be heard by us.

"Trust me." I whisper.

He nods and gets into his stance. I take a deep breath and bounce a couple of times. Aim perfectly. You can do this. It is normal for you to knock someone out with one kick.

The moment the starting bell rings, we lunge at each other. I quickly dodge him then jump and land a solid kick. When he lands on the ground unconscious, I feel like vomiting. I feel my world spinning and closing in around me.

"V!" Hoseok hyung's voice rings in my mind as he and Namjoon hyung walk up to me.

"Let's go." Namjoon hyung tells me as he supports me, and we walk out of the arena.

As we walk out, I nod to Wonho then take a gun from Yoongi hyung.

"Police! Hands up!" Yoongi hyung yells as he and his team bust into the arena.

The arena instantly erupts into chaos as people try to flee. I quickly run back to the arena then gasp in horror when I see that Jungkook is no longer there. As I desperately look around, I see one of the large guards dragging him away.

I quickly chase after them as everything in me panics. I told him to trust me. I will save him. I will kill to save him.

As I run down the hallway after the bastard, I lift my gun and aim. He has Jungkook slung over his shoulder, so I am afraid of hitting Jungkook.

"Hands up!" I yell with my best cop imitation.

He freezes then turns to face me. I take a deep breath and stabilize my hold on my gun and shoot. The man grunts in pain as he topples to the ground.

I quickly run over and catch Jungkook. I can't believe that I am holding him in my arms right now.

"Taehyung! Let's go!" Namjoon hyung yells as he takes Jungkook and begins running towards an exit.

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