Chapter 16: Hyung

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Hyunjin's POV

"Sunbae, is this your home?" I ask as I look around the large apartment.

"Is it ok?" Sunbae asks as he leads me into the apartment.

"Of course! It's just so big. Do you live alone?" I mumble towards the end as he leads me to his living room.

"I do."

"Doesn't it get lonely?" I softly ask and look into Sunbae's tender gaze.

"It does." Sunbae quietly whispers and takes a step towards me which makes my cheeks heat up.

"Wh-Why don't you live with your parents?" I mumble and try to look away from his gaze.

"Because I am freer if I live by myself." Sunbae answers without looking away.

"Ahh that makes sense." I mumble and take a step back.

"Do you remember that we went to the same university?" Sunbae softly asks and takes another step towards me.


"You've always been shy." Sunbae whispers and lifts my face with a gentle finger on my chin. His soft gaze causes me to hiccup and stop breathing. "I had hoped that we would work at the same company." Sunbae whispers with a sweet smile.

"The CEO's daughter got the spot." I mumble and become lost in his tender gaze.

"I thought so." Sunbae quietly whispers as he becomes impossibly close. I can feel his warm breath dancing on my lips. I don't know what to do. Should I run?

"Sunbae." All I can do is whisper and stay hypnotized in his stare.

"Do you want anything?" Sunbae asks as he quickly snaps out of his trance and takes a step back, a tiny step. I can still feel the warmth radiating off of his body.

"W-Water." I stutter and quickly look down at my hands.

Sunbae quietly walks away which causes wind to rush back into my lungs. I take long, deep breaths, trying to steady the dizziness in my head.

"Make yourself comfortable." Sunbae smiles as he hands me a glass of cool water.

"Thank you." I mumble and shuffle to the couch. As I sit down, Sunbae sits next to me.

"If this question is too personal, you don't have to answer. Did you break up with your boyfriend? Is he the one who made you cry?" Sunbae softly asks as he turns to face me.

"Yes." I nod and look down at my hands as my long, black hair falls in my face and covers my eyes.

"What did he do to make you cry?" Sunbae whispers and gently tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Treated me how he always has." I sniffle and watch as a tear falls onto my hand.

"I'm so sorry. The wounds he gave you will heal over time." Sunbae smiles and turns my face to face him.

"I know. I feel stupid for even crying over him, and it makes me mad."I bitterly chuckle as burning tears trickle down my my face and drip onto my hands.

"You're not stupid. He hurt you, terribly. It is ok to mourn the pain. Healing is a process." Sunbae sweetly smiles and dries my tears with his thumb.

"I think that I'm rather pathetic." I mumble and take a sip of my water.

"I don't think you are. I think that you're rather brave for ending a toxic relationship."

"You sound like you've been in a toxic relationship before." I murmur and look into Sunbae's eyes for an answer.

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