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Recap: Arjun's evil treatment to Varun and Rudran's intro....

And Aju's Aru ma turns his Aru maaa💜....

Fam Aru's confession starts from this chap and I'm planning it for a very long and most romantic chap ever in our story and it's gonna be three parts like Aju's confession again....

Now this chap is a slow Start of the confession and it's Part-1...

Let's Start!!!

It was 6:30 in the next morning and Aru's delicate forhead wrinkles pictured that she's gonna have her doll eyes open soon...

Her petals curved greeting their lovely morning with happiness when she felt Aju resting in her heart...she raised the duvet a lil and peeked inside and her heart was content seeing him sleeping with a baby pout hugging her safely and his Messy hair strands falling on his forehead was icing her cheeks making him damn charming in her eyes....

She covered the duvet above her head and hugged him tightly kissing his hair again and again in happiness and he snuggled more into her making her chuccke...

His words...

i want only u again in my life...

Was filling her eyes and heart with love and love...she closed her eyes remembering every single word that spilled out of his inner soul last night...

Again this words...

Enaku un heart beat kekanum nu Avalo asa d...

it's not just about the heart sound but the feel it will give...

I felt safe and embraced only with u aru....

Suddenly something striked her and she pulled the duvet down and took her phone from the table and immediately called Chandu....

for Aru asking something Chandu told that she will be there in another half an hour and they hung the call...

But the cutest problem now is her lil one who is hugging her tightly and cuddling more into her for how to release herself from his hold without waking him up.....

She was thinking for a min...

Now Aru the cute fellow....

She gently stroke his dark mane and blowed his forehead hairs one by one slowly....but he gave her a cutest smile and hugged her tightly in return....

Aru mv: Aioooo....ivalo cutea irukane.... apdiyae antha rendu kanathuayum kadika pore paru na... alagukutty da ne...(admiring tone)

She feel for his cuteness....but plan👎

1 min of thinking again...

Now Aru the romantic fellow...

she traced his beard hairs very benevolently with her lil fingers and then his jaw line.... before she slowly entered his neck....he gave her a soft sleepy moan and moved up a lil and fixed his head in the crook of her neck and hugged her more tightly nuzzling into her and his beard hairs were tickling her....

Aru had a tough time to control her blush, chucckles and giggles.....unaware of herself she hugged him tightly in return... So plan 👎👎 again...

Thinking for another minute....

Mrs Arjun the naughty fellow😉....

She traced his bare back slowly and he squimmed slightly moving himself...

Aru mv: iiiiiiiii...workout aguthu....workout aguthu....

She traced his back everywhere gingerly and he squimmed more...she was very feathery in handling her expert fingers that was damn causious not to wake him up...

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