Chapter:24 Part-2

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He stood admiring his love with heartfelt tears and smile....with that happiness he remembered their flashback before 15 years.....

Let's Continue!!!!

The flashback of Aju and Aru....

15 years ago...

Chandru, Ram (Aru's father) and Chaitanya (Varun's father) were very close friends from their childhood....

Similarly, Nathiya (Chandru's first wife), Rejitha (Aru's mother) and Monika (Varun's mother) were thick friends from their childhood....

It was first Aru's parents who fell in Love with each other when they first met in London when they went to attend a Bussiness conference.... following their love path the other couples eventually fell in love with each other and they all became the most happiest gang of people with lots of friendship and love...

After Nathiya's and his lil son's death Chandru married Suhasini (Chaitanya's sister) and she then became a part of the gang but still the spl place that Nathiya held in the gang was empty...still no one showed that to Suha and treated her same like Nathiya....

Ram and Rejitha got married and settled in London as they had growing Bussiness opportunities there.... whereas Chandru and Chaitanya's family were in India looking into their Construction Bussiness....

Arradhana was a pre-mature baby and there were many birth complications for her and so she was not bought to India until she was 9 years as the doctors asked her parents to avoid her travelling until she was atleast 8.....

This year it is the 10th marraige anniversary of Ram and Rejitha and also 35th birth anniversary of both of them....So Chandru and Chaitanya's family wished them to come back to India with Aru to celebrate their spl day with everyone together....


Arjun's father Kailash was working as Chandru's PA in CM groups.....Arjun lived with his mother and lil sister in Coimbatore....but after their death when Arjun was 5 years old his father took him to Chennai to stay along with him....

Kailash's residence was just in a 20 minutes distance from Chandru's residence....As kailash leaves Arjun alone in the house and comes back only late in the night, Suha asked kailash to leave Arjun in their Residence till night after school daily... and after his work Kailash will pick up Arjun from there....

Shyam was Arjun's only best friend from his childhood...Shyam was also in Coimbatore but when Arjun reached Chennai, Shyam's father too got his transfer to chennai and hence they were together forever....both Shyam and Arjun studied in the same school were Chandu and Gowtham were studying and they four make a perfect gang together....

It was always Varun who was against this gang....he likes Chandu and Gowtham so much, but equally he hated Shyam and Arjun....

Varun will accompany atleast 10-15 days in the evening with the gang for playing coming to Chandru's residence and everytime he will end up hurting Arjun and creating him a hell....

He Never plays with Shyam and Arjun and will not allow Chandu and Gowtham Varun is their elder brother the lil ones will be afraid of him and will not play with Arjun...but the lil ones will always feel sorry for Arjun for Varun's behaviour towards him...

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