"Did you plan this?" Cassie's father questioned.

Carol pulled the man up. "No."

Cassie looked around her dad as he grabbed what the man was tied up with. It was a zip-tie. "What's this? It wasn't in your bag."

"Guess you missed it. C'mon. We don't have time to argue. It's done." Carol said, before walking off with the man in front of her.

The young girl glanced at her father and grabbed his hand as they followed after her aunt.

When they were back at Alexandria, Daryl told his daughter to go back to the house as he and Carol took the prisoner to the jail. Cassie refused at first but went back to the house to check on Carl. As she opened the door to her oldest brother's room, she saw her baby brother laying under the cover, shivering.

"Hey, C. You okay?" she asked, climbing the bed and sitting beside him.

Carl whined. "I want daddy,"

Cassie slid off the bed, picked up her brother, and took him to their father, who was in his room in the basement. Standing at the bottom step of their father's room, she placed down her brother who immediately hurried over to the father and climbed in the crouch.

"Hey, buddy," Daryl muttered as his youngest son climbed on his lap and rested his head on his bare chest.

Cassie climbed on the couch, laying her head on Dog. "I don't think he feels good, daddy. He feels too warm,"

"Yeah." Daryl agreed as he felt his son's head. "What's wrong, Carl?"

"My belly hurts," Carl whimpered, struggling closer to his father.

"I think there's a bug going around," Their father said as he stood up with his son in his arms.

"Are we going to Saddiq?" Cassidy asked, standing up as well.

Her father nodded, putting on his shirt and picking up his son again. As they walked towards the front door of their house, the door opened and Violet walked in.

"Oh, hey, Daryl? Gabrial and others are looking for you. Something with the prisoner." She said, before frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Carl's ain't feelin' good. Was gonna take him to Saddiq," Daryl replied, smoothing back his son's hair.

"I'll take him while you deal that Whisperer." She said, taking the five year old from his father. "C'mon, Cassie,"

"Thanks, Violet." Daryl said as they headed to the door.

"No problem." The raven haired woman said as her and Cassie walked towards the infirmary.

Once at the infirmary, Violet told Cassie to stay outside, who was reluctant but stayed put. Pushing open the door, her eyes meet with multiple sick people laying in all the infirmary beds.

"Saddiq? Dante?" She called out, stepping further into the house.

Saddiq walked out of the back. "Hey, Vi. What's up?"

"Carl. He's not feeling good." Violet answered, rubbing the boy's back. "Wondering if you check him out."

"Of course." Saddiq said, looking at the youngest Dixon. "This way."

The pair went into the back, Violet sat the boy on the counter and moved back. His hand clutched hers as Saddiq checked him over.

"What's wrong, little dude?" He asked the boy.

"My belly hurts." Carl said, his voice break a bit. "I want daddy."

"I know, buddy. I'm make you feel better okay?" Saddiq replied, making the five year old nod. He looked at Violet. "There's a bug going around. Make sure he drinks a lot of water and rest. He should be fine in a fews days. He does have a low-grade fever, use a cold cloth on his forehead. If he gets worst, being him back immediately. Other than that, he should be fine."

"But the other people, they're not fine. How do you know Carl's going to be fine?" Violet questioned, picking the boy up.

"I don't." Saddiq said, moving some of Carl's hair out of his face. "But like I said if he does get worst, being him back."

Violet nodded. "Okay, I'll report back to Daryl. Thanks, Saddiq."

Saddiq smiled. "Anytime. Feel better, Carl,"

Walking out of the infirmary, Cassie immediately started asking questions. Violet told her he'll be fine with a lot water and rest as they headed back to the house.

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