Chapter 34

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It felt like I only got a few minutes of sleep. We got home around 7 in the morning. We finished our game then decided to eat out for breakfast. Greyson tried to feed me something, but it was hard. All I managed was to eat a pancake and a few sips of apple juice before I felt like throwing I up.

The doorbell was ringing like crazy. That's what woke me up. It was about 5 in the evening, and we all were still in bed. If the doorbell wasn't ringing, I am pretty sure that in a few minutes time I would've woke up because of the headache.

"I'm coming," I yelled even though the person waiting probably couldn't hear me. But Greyson did and he unfortunately woke up.

"Who's at the door?" he asked as he opened his eyes to the maniac doorbell.

"I don't know," I said. I pushed the blanket off of me and looked around for some pants- I was wearing shorts to sleep, it was that hot.

I went downstairs, followed by a half-asleep Greyson, to see who it was. Dani and Joshua were walking out of the guest bedroom, rubbing their eyes and wondering who the hell is waking us up this early.

Who was here this late?" Everyone else already moved on with their lives. We made sure to call the owners of anything left behind. I tried racking my brains, thinking who could be here.

I opened the door and found the last person I expected, and wanted, to see. But she looked different. She looked cleaner and well groomed. She even looked pleasant, the way I remember her from when I was younger.

She washed her hair. It fell over her should in loose curls she knows how to do very well. I got her hair color and the texture of it was a mix of both of them. She had makeup on, though done very lightly. Not like how she used to cake it on. Before she used to hide her insecurities, but she seems to be accepting them and even embracing them. She was wearing a knee length black maxi dress, which didn't have any stains or holes or tears and even smelled okay and was wearing small kitten heels. It's been a while since she wore actual high heels; I don't know if she remembers how to walk in them. I could see her nail and toes and saw that she gone them done. There was no more dirt or grime on or around them.

I had to be honest she looked very beautiful. She looked like a woman who is respected and is enjoying a good life.

But she was still that same person under all that beauty.

There was a pack of cigarettes and an ash tray sitting on the table. I counted at least 7 butts, two of which were still slightly burning. There was also a 12 pack of beer but there was only 1 can crumpled and finished. There was a small compact with some white powder stuff in it. I thought she had truly gone back to her old ways. But she lost her supplier a long time ago. When he went to jail she quit for the fear of cops. She was really a wreck but got her act together.

We looked at each other in shock. I was at a loss of words. She kept moving her mouth, but no sound came out of it. She moved her hand towards me, but I slammed the door in her face. I stood there for a second, acknowledging who was out there, then ran past everyone to my room. I jumped onto the bed and curled into a ball, crying all of a sudden.

The three of them came into the room. Greyson knelt next to me on the side of the bed. He moved the hair away from my face and was trying to help me out. I brought my hand to my mouth and cried even harder. Dani and Joshua were standing behind him, ready to do anything.

"Make her go away," I choked out. I don't need her here, especially right now. She had no business here. I can usually keep my composure when I am near her, but she had come so abruptly that it caught me off guard.

The memories weren't replaying in my head like it has been for the last couple of days. These memories were fresh in my mind. But those memories were so long ago, and I repressed them so far into my brain it was very hard to bring them out. It was the feelings that came to the surface. I was a 5-year-old feeling scared and sad and alone and anxious and frightened again. They were balled up and repeatedly kept ramming against my heart.

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