Chapter 5

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I sat up straight, accidentally hitting Greyson in the face. It was like rapid fire gunshots. Not unusual but still scary. I looked around for the noise, my head rotating clockwise and counterclockwise. When my heart beat slows down a bit I saw where it was coming from. It was coming from the door.

"Wahhappened?" he asked sleepily. 

I grabbed my phone and slowly got up. I was walking very tediously to the door, making sure my feet did not clack on the floor.  As I approached the door my clock told me it was one in the morning. 

One in the morning?  Who was here so late?

I got to the door and peeped through the window to see who it was. It was Dad and another guy standing there. 

Dad?  He was being supported by the other guy, his arm around Dad's neck, giving him a hard time. I fumbled with the locks and the door opened. Once it burst open the whole party came in.

"Dad?" I asked, a bit worried. He stumbled over the door and was acting like he was drunk. But he wasn't, wasn't he? He looked very dirty and he had a bunch of stains on his pants. A huge indicators of being drunk. No, but it can't be. Dad never was really drunk before. He has never been drunk before.

"Who is buying the next drink?" he shouted no one. He was trying to walk which gave the guy a hard time holding upright. The guy looked completely sober though. He had a determined face on but still struggling with the stupid person he was holding. 

"Where is his room?" asked the guy. I was scared that he was talking to me. I just stared at him, thinking that he was talking to someone else. I forgot what he asked me at first but then I showed him to his room. He threw Dad on the bed which Dad enjoyed thoroughly, giggling so much and was trying to touch the guy. The guy was trying to get out of Dad's grip but Dad had a firm hold on him. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"He had a bit too much fun tonight," he sighed as he tried to move Dad's hands, which was traveling down to his waist. I was in shock. Dad had settled his hands on the guy's wait and was fumbling with his pants. The guy finally moved his hands and recomposed him self. 

"So he actually went to a party? I asked, even more in shock. 

"Yeah," the guy said so normally. But that wasn't normal. My dad went to a party? It is like the world was completely upside down. I'm not in the Upside Down, right?

I bent next to Dad for closer inspection. He had drool coming down the side of his face. His eyes were fluttering open and close, trying to stay awake. His ears were so red that when I went to touch them he literally flinched; he was flushed, his cheeks glowing brightly. His neck was very sweaty, like sweat was still dripping down his neck and back. I pushed the hair from his face and the pungent smell of alcohol hit my nose hard.

I gagged as the smell went to my brain. Whenever I got bloodwork done at the doctor's office I always almost pass out. Anemic powers. Bless those nurse they always stuck an alcohol wipe under my nose which always burned my head. That's how Dad smells. I looked at the guy and asked "What did he have?"

He said hesitantly "Just a few drinks. But nothing really heavy- I hope."

I looked at Dad and thought "Yeah, a few drinks." Since when did he act like this? I looked back at Dad and silently wondered so many things. But the main question was why? Why did he just let loose tonight?

I pushed this from my mind for now. I saw the guy move and realized I should do something. I stood up and faced him, trying to make myself look presentable. "Well thank you for bringing him home."

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