Chapter 16

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"Morning," he said casually. He walked to the fridge and pulled out his water bottle. He was texting someone and talking to us at the same time. It was weird. He walked around, getting things out, getting his breakfast ready. He set his bottle on the island, trying to juggle everything he is doing. You know, with him being a doctor and all you would've thought his morning routine would be a lot better but he treats himself so bad. I mean he doesn't really take care of himself like how he preaches you should.

"Man, I am so tired. I barely got a couple hours of sleep last night. I kept on thinking about going to work today. A couple of people's pagers stopped working so it has been a bit of mayhem. Nguyen missed work because of this. I am just glad mine is still working. There has been so much running, you can tell who goes to the gym and who doesn't!"

He kept on going on about the pagers and whatever else at work. I guess he didn't hear us not respond. I didn't see Greyson talk and I forgot how to. He was prancing around the kitchen looking for something to eat. He still had his phone in his hand. 

When he didn't hear us his suspicions started to rise. He stood across from us on the other side of the island. He set his bottle and phone down and finally took a good look at our faces. He was looking at us as if something was wrong. I mean, there was but in a good way, I hope. 

"What is wrong with you two? Don't tell me you guys got onto drugs too," he asked playfully.

Greyson and I had a weird mind meld thing that you see on T.V. You know, where the two characters look at each other, shocked, then look back at the suspect or victim or other character. It was straight out of a movie. Our eyes were bulged and our mouths were slightly hanging a bit. 

His eyes were flying between us two, trying to find something wrong. I think he was thinking about my nose bleed but it was gone from his mind quick. "Okay what is-Whose flowers are those?" he said seriously. Glad he noticed the elephant in the room. He looked at them, his eye brows knitted together. 

I didn't want to say anything before he read the card. At least give the man some happiness. I slid the card across the counter. It stopped perfectly right in front of him. I guess what was happening was too much because Greyson sat down. Dad looked at the card and picked it up, suspicious.

"Okay," he said before reading it.

There was silence as he read the card. The stillness was reminding me uncomfortably of the hospital.

Like me, Dad had to read it 3 or 4 times before he understood it. When he finished, he looked at us. He was smiling at first but then real quick his eyes flew to us then a serious realization dawned on him. We all stood there thinking about the words. To be honest they still weren't making a whole lot of sense to me. Dad's eyes were flying back-to-back from me and Greyson. He was slightly moving his mouth, but no sound was coming out. His mouth was shaping words he doesn't like saying out loud. A rule in the house: Don't use certain words if they are not necessary. No point in ruining a beautiful voice with ugly words. 

When it became too much Dad went to the coffee machine and started to brew some cups. Greyson and I were looking at each other and Dad, silently communicating with our eyes and brows and shoulders. I think he felt our stares dig into his back because he was rubbing his neck. Finally he took out 3 steaming cups, sugar, and creamer to the breakfast nook. Greyson and I joined after taking the hint.

We sat down at the very intimate table. Fitting for the occasion. Greyson grabbed two cups and settled one in front of me. I guess Dad forgot that I didn't drink coffee. But I decided to have it anyway. I would like to hear every word of this conversation clearly. I picked up the mug and before it touched my lips Greyson stopped me and added sugar and creamer then he let me have it.

FLOWER ARE BETTER WHEN THEY'RE  FAKE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now