Chapter 9

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Christmas Eve was a nice little day. We all knocked out at 3 A.M after talking, and dancing, for a bit more. We all went to IHOP for a late morning breakfast then everyone was in a kind of rush for the rest of the day. Me and Dani had to go to the mall for some last-minute shopping while all the guys went to go get haircuts. There was literally almost nothing on the shelves but luckily, she didn't have to get much. She did decide to get a bit of a pricey purse and wallet set for her Tio and Tia, which was the last in stock. As for the boys, they went to 3 different barber shops, but all were busy. Luckily Joshua has a friend who does haircuts, and they were willing to do all the guys today. I don't know how we managed to do anything today, but it all worked out. Call it a Christmas miracle if you will.

Dani and Joshua left for the airport around 1 o'clock; Dani left with her family and Dad dropped off Joshua on his way to work. They both sent videos of the airport and it was packed. Not enough space to put a puppy. So many people were catching last minute flights back home. Both actually almost missed their flights but ran like madmen to make it to their gates. The videos of them running were funny; I haven't seen Joshua run since the 8th grade. But both made it on the plane and are on their way to enjoy a nice holiday vacation.

Dad has work until 7 o'clock tonight but has a dinner party to attend at 9. He vowed to me that he would not take a sip of eggnog. Texts were also promised every hour. But I have to remind myself to put my phone on silent. He is that type of person who sends multiple texts at one time.

Right now, though I was at home getting ready for the dinner party. Or maybe dinner hell would be more of an appropriate word for it. I wanted to go to the salon to get ready, but they were all busy. Love that for me. I started doing my makeup about 2 hours ago and I barely finished my eyes. I still have to do my base, hair, and get changed. Luckily 2 out of the three are easier than the odd man out. It is true that if you take care of your skin, you don't need a butt ton of makeup.

Greyson came inside Dad's bathroom after he showered. Dad has a double vanity so it would be easier and much more peaceful for us to get ready here than our cramped bathroom. He dried his hair and took his time styling it. He was carefully putting in all of his products. By the time I did my base and hair, which I ended up just straightening, he was still tending to his hair.

"Do you like it?" I asked, closing my eyes and showing him my makeup.

"It looks nice," he said after a quick glance. He then returned to his hair after the brief interruption.

I rolled my eyes and went to change. To go along with my copper makeup look, with glitter may I add, I wore a bronzy-golden satin dress. It is Dani's but it is beautiful, nonetheless. It was a body fit dress but breathable and was comfortable. It was long-sleeved and was showing a bit of skin at the chest, but not too much. It was a modern modest look if that could make any sense in your head.

I went back to the restroom and Greyson was still at the mirror.

"Dude, hurry up, we are getting late," I said as I walked out of the restroom.

"Five minutes," he said, spraying hair spray in his hair.

I ran upstairs and grabbed all of my things. I took out the one pair of party heels that I own and strapped them on. There were a black pair of heels, rather shiny, with a thick heel and about 3 1/2 inches tall. It had a golden buckle that was cold when pressed against my warm skin. I looked at them and thought of the upcoming 2 hours. They would be the most uncomfortable 2 hours of my vacation but at least they looked great with the outfit, and I am eternally grateful that I got that pedicure recently.

I sprayed some perfume on - my special occasion one - grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

Finally dressed, Greyson was tying his dress shoes at the bottom step.

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