69 Brown

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"I regret it" I groaned looking at the bustling club ahead of us. God knows why i agreed to come to this shitty place which I have been avoiding for ages now.

It reeks of sweat and alcohol. Darn it.

If not for Ethan being here I wouldn't have stepped a foot here, ugh....

"And here I thought that someone doesn't sets her foot in club." An sarcastic voice whispered inside my ear scaring the shit out of me.

I whirled around coming face to face with Jenna's smiling face.

"Hey, Daisy fancy seeing you here. " She said raising an eyebrow at me, "You look hot girl, I bet Ethan will be needing some shots today".

That's for sure..

I was dressed in smoking hot red mini dress which reached the mid of my thing showing off my sexy legs. The dress was held with thin strips at my shoulder. It was body fit dress, they say men find women sexier in red. And that's what I needed today.

"Where are others?", I asked ignoring her sarcastic remarks. I was really curious about the girl whom Ethan had brought today, as far as Ethan is concerned there hasn't been any woman around.

"Come I'll take you there", Jenna said guiding me towards the VIP section of the club where private rooms were. 

In this part of the club the music wasn't that loud with warmly lit corridors, it smelled like fresh wine.

" Ready to meet your love rival?", Jenna asked when we came to halt before the room. The door was slightly ajar, we could hear laughter from inside.  

Before I could answer she pushed open the door and barged in a dramatic way," Guys, look who we have here, the one and only Miss. Daisy Knight herself.", she announced gaining everyone's attention.

Resigning to my fate I swipe a strand of my hair behind my hear and walked inside the room, all heads snapped towards me, everyone was here, Alex, Ian, Laila, Ash, and him.  The room was dimly lit, it was spacious as expected from a VIP room. A black sofa was placed between the room with a bottles of wine, shots, etc placed on the table in between everyone. 

I scanned everyone's faces, surprise and delight clearly written on everyone's faces. I moved my eyes towards Ethan, and god....

fucking Adonis... 

Dressed in a black leather jacket and white T-shirt fitted perfectly to his torso coupled with black jeans, he looks smoking hot . I could see a chain around his neck, which hid inside his shirt. It felt strangely familiar to me.  

My eyes slowly moved to his face, and I was shocked by his hard face. His jaw was tight, lips pressed in a straight line and his eyes ...... his blue eyes in which I've always found losing myself in them have now turned into a darker shade of blue and there was clear anger in them.

It is the first time since I've woken up from my coma had I seen some kind of emotion inside his lovely blue eyes for me. They had been emotionless right from the beginning.

Is he angry that I disturbed his time with his date?

Before I could think of the reason for his anger ,his face turned to neutral again and his eyes turned emotionless. And he turned his face sideways completely ignoring me. I followed his gaze and found a new face there.

It's her...


What was her name again .... umm... Suzanne.

Yeah Suzanne White no Brown ..hmm Suzanne Brown.

This white head is here as well, I guess everyone from my stupid ass dream are here in this worlds. 

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