25 I will collect your dead body.

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Hey guys, I published this book on 2/2/2022, which marks it 12 days today.
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Daisy's Pov

" In this world, are you not from this world?" Jenna asked making me freeze on my next words.

That's right I am not a part of this world.

But I can't say that, or else she might go running for hills shouting that I am a meniac.

Definitely can't say that.....

" Is it the point here?" I asked trying to pacify the situation " Shouldn't you focus on that dog- I mean should you not focus on Ian right now?"

That was close...hehe

" Yeah I don't know what to do about it" she nodded. 

And here I used to wonder why people in love are called Lovesick fools.

Really shameful...

" How about you go on a trip for next three months?" I suggested.

" It's a good idea but I was on a trip just two months ago. Mom would not allow it." she shook her head in denial.

" Oh, then there are only two options remaining " I looked at her seriously.

She raised her eyebrows asking me to continue.

" First beat him up.."

" We are not gangsters, we can't do that"

" ....and second is face the death with open arms" I blinked at her 

She was deep in thought as if deciding between life and death situation.

" I will choose second one, brace death with open arms" she determinedly nodded giving me thumbs up.

I rolled my eyes," Why are you give me a up? You need it."

"Oh yeah right" 

" Don't worry I will help you move your dead body after you die" I assured.

" Are you even my friend? You should support me not terrify me." she righteously said.

" Are you done?" I asked arching my eyebrows.

" No" she widenend her eyes at me.

" What do you want again? I am busy" 

" I wanted to ask what happened between you and Ethan last night. I just vaguely remember you talking to him" she leaned on the table trying to come closer to me.

Gossip...women can't go without gossip.

" Not telling" I opened a file to start working.

" Come on, I told you everything." she pouted widening her eyes" You can't do that, you have to tell me"

" No" I buried my head into the file.

" You have to, you have to, you have to" she sang.

" Are you a kid? Stop whining. It's irritating " I said with disgust.

" Okay fine don't tell me. But let me tell you he is definitely not in love with his assistant" she suddenly said and that got me.

" What?" I looked at her tilting my head " How can you say that?"

" I heard that she was thrown out of the company this morning. It is also said that she  made a big scene 'cause she was fired. " she shook her head.

Deserve it bish...If she were to be here in Williams then I might have directly thrown her into a hospital to check what was in her head...

" Really?" I asked.

" Yes, she was dragged out of the company by security. She was bawling and cursing you  . But why was she cussng you, did you do something to her?" she suspiciously asked.

I wanted to....but she is the damn female lead. 

I scoffed rolling my eyes," As if I will dirty myself with that stupid person. "

" But she was saying that it was because of you she was fired. She also said that you disrespected her CEO or something. "

What type of shit is filled in her head god knows.....

" She is a delusional dimwit. According to her I might even be the reason for Donald Trumps stupidity. Will you belive that?" I asked looking at her.

" Oh it's like that. But you don't need to worry 'cause the people in Kings & Co. will not believe her. They know you too well when you used to visit for project. " she assured.

As if I care what they think about me? Even if they believe who cares.

" Wait, how do you know all about this things?" I asked bewildered at her information gaining ability.

She cleared her throat obviously guilty being caught for gossiping, " You see that......."

" That what?" 

"Oh come on, don't you know that company gossips are travelled very fast, my company people know all about your company people and vice-versa. " she righteously said as if it was a good thing.

" Last time I checked you were a designer,  how come you know about corporate world?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Oh, its late...I need to go I have a appointment with...with mom, yes mom." she walked away waving her hands at me.

I know how she knows it, she might be spying on Ian. 

I laughed at her retreating back.

But come to think of it, does Ethan really has no feelings for Emma?

But how is that possible , she is the female lead after all.

Emma's behaviour seems odd. Wasn't she supposed to be pure, innocent and stuborn person. How come she became a delusional person? Or was she always like this and that is how she gained everyone's love by framing Daisy.  

Daisy was too stupid, I am sure if someone were to plot against her she will definitely willingly jump into the plot all by herself. Did Emma plot against Daisy all the way from beginning? Was that how Daisy ended up being sent at asylum?

Everything is messs. Something is really fishy about Emma.

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Enjoy reading, love you...


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