8 I will bear the price for your funeral.

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Daisy's Pov

" Oh gosh , finally. We had the pleasure to meet Miss.BusyASS." as soon as we entered into Ian's villa, Alex dramatic voice blasted.

" Hey, is it only me or you all find Daisy become sexy day per day." Ian checked me from top to bottom.

" Yeah I feel the same." Ashton agreed.

" Hi, long time no se Daisy" Laila gave a sweet hug.

" Hey Day, you are finally here or else I was really gonna smack Alex's whining ass." Jenna gave me a suffocating hug.

" We can smack it anyway. What say?" I smirked at her wiggling my eyebrows.

" OH MY GOD... are you ganging up on me? I am hurt. Ian save me I am having a stroke" Alex cluched his heart dramatically supporting himself on Ian's shoulder.

" Don't worry I will bear the price of your funeral" Ian pushed him ruthlessly.

" Ethan you are the only one I can rely on" Alex ran towards Ethan for a hug but Ethan moved aside leading him to hug onto the air making everyone laugh.

We were meeting at one of Ian's villa. It was huge like really, really huge. The villa had indoor pool, Ashton and Laila were sitting at the corner of it with their legs submerged into water.

Ian, Alex and Ethan were at the drink counter probably making some cocktail. Me and Jeena were resting at the poolside chairs.

" Its feels like ages that we all were hanging out together. It's good to be with all the friends, laughing, talking and making fun of each other." Jenna looked towards where Ian, Alex and Ethan were standing. More like she was looking at Ian.

" After you left we only hanged out once in a while. Everybody got busy with their stuff Ian, Alex and Ethan attended same uni. Laila and I were at same. Ashton was at the different place. We drew apart. Today feels really unreal. I thought we would never hangout like past, but thanks to Ethan, here we are today" she looked at me with a teasing smile.

" What? Don't give me that smile. Its creepy" I rubbed my arms to get rid of goosebumps.

" Come on, don't you feel it?" she smiled shaking her head at me.

" Feel what? " I asked bewildered.

" Surely, you can't be serious" she dramatically scoffed.

" Are you quoting Airplane ?" I widened my eyes at her.

" No shit, Sherlock" she dramatically threw her arms up.

" What, I really don't get where you are coming from? "

She sighed rolling her eyes," Leave it."

I shrugged," If you say so"

" But you two look really good together, I mean Ethan and you." she said out of the blue, looking behind me towads ethan and then at me.

Did she just say what she said? Me and that dick head?

" Let me ask you a serious question?" I said with a serious face.

She lifted her chin towards to me to continue.

" Have you ever, I mean ever seen a beautiful, preety and lovely flower bloom into a pile of shit?" I emphasized each word.

She made a weird expression, half confused and half disgusted," Why would a beautiful flower bloom on shit?Am I that stupid."

" Exactly. Me a lovely, pretty, amazing and beautiful flower, why would it bloom on shit like him? Through which eye did you see that we look good together? You should consult a Ophthalmologists, you are in dire need of it. I almost puked." I shook my head frantically to get rid of disgusting feeling.

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