57 Go ahead and sue me.

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I groaned burying my head into my  pillow, my phone continued to ring. I felt a weight pressing on me making me unable to move. I tried to push off the weight but it did not budge.



I cursed under by breathe and moved my hand towards the night stand to look for my phone without opening my eyes.

" This better be important." I barked.

" Boss, it's an emergency." ALice' sounded anxious, " You need to come to the company right now."

" What is it?" I sat straight up pushing the weight off me with force. I heard a thump sound of something falling.

" Ah.......ahh...." the weight which I pushed off shouted falling on the ground beside my bed," Fuck...who the hell pushed me?"

Wait, why does it sound like Jenna?

I whipped my head to my left and widened my eyes," What are you doing on the ground?"

" You ...you were the one who shoved me off the bed." Jenna glared standing up while rubbing her waist. Her red hair were mess and she was wearing my yellow night suit.

I almost forgot that they all stayed at our place last night because it was late. Ethan, Ian and Alex were in other guest room while I am Jenna decided to sleep in master bedroom.

" Boss, are you there?  You need to come to the company" I heard Alice say through the phone.

" What's wrong?" I walked into the bathroom ignoring Jenna who was glaring at me.

" The biggest shareholder of california project decided to withdraw the investment at last moment. Other shareholders invovled in the project are creating chaos in the company, Mr.Williams is trying to handle but they are not adamant to withdraw the investment and asking the company to make up to their loss. "

The California project is the project which I introduced in this world- this project was designed by me in   Knight corporation's. This project was huge success later on. 

" I will be there in 15" I said dressing up and walking out of the room. 

If I am not wrong then the same problem was faced by the company in my last world as well, the biggest shareholder decided to ditch the company bringing emmense losses to the company just as the company was going to decide to close the project, out of no where some other company decided to invest into it.

I had wanted to meet the investor but they only send their representative for signing the contract and as well as the details were shared through the representative.  There are many things from the real world which I don't remember, I wonder what is the reason for this.

Only some details like my parents cheating, me being depressed in the last year of university and pulling away from everyone are the memories which are quite vague in my memories. I remember having some same friends from childhood to university, but I don't remember their names, appearances and whatsoever. 

If I'm not wrong then the investor for the project was someone I knew that was what dad told me.  

After university I lost contact or we can say I isolated myself from my childhood friends and parents- work was my only salvation. Maybe if I would have tried to contact them then I might not have been so alone. Or if I had not been so bitch then I might have had some real friends but whats done is done, I can't change it now.

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