"I'm so sorry, baby." She sniffled.

Cassie smiled with tears in her Dixon blues. "It's okay, Mommy. Maxie told me what happened, how you and papa are brave. I understand why you did it. You needed to protect us. Our family."

Max looked over at his grandfather who smiled at them. He didn't really have a close relationship with the man but he was his granddad. He walked over to Rick and hugged him.

"Hey, bud," Rick said, hugging his grandson back.

Matilda smiled at her daughter, smoothing back some hair. She kissed the little girl's forehead before standing up. Max had pulled away from his grandfather and walked back to his sister.

Cassie walked over to Rick, looking up at him. "You're my papa, right?"

Rick looked down at his granddaughter with a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."

The little girl wrapped her arms around his legs, hugging him. Rick picked her up making her wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tighter.

Max looked around before looking back at his mother. "Are you ready to go?"

Matilda's face turned solemnly, making Alice and Max frown. "What is it, Matilda?" The redhead asked.

"There was a change of plans," Tilly said, glancing at her father. "We're not coming with you."

Max's heart crumbled into pieces, and Cassie's body sagged as she wagged out of her grandfather's arms and walked over to her brother. Alice furrowed her brows in confusion.

"B-but we came all the way here to bring you home. Why can't you come?" Max asked, his voice filled with sadness.

"Did Alice tell you anything about the CRM?" Rick asked, stepping behind his daughter.

Max nodded. "Yeah, that they're military to the Civic Republic and they're Advanced. Something about 'A' and 'B' and Project Votus. But what do they have to do with you two staying?"

Matilda sighed. "Ally was scratching the surface. There is much more you don't know, that Alice doesn't about them. Her eyes and ears? It's me and papa. We are the ones giving her information."

"But why can't you leave?" Max asked again.

"There is something your mom and I have to do before we leave. It's important." Rick pipped in.

Max swallowed. "What's so important?"

"It's not that we don't trust you, which we do trust you three. But this is something nobody can know. If this gets out to the wrong people, it can get dangerous." His grandfather explained.

"Max, Cassie, one of the reasons I asked Alice to come and bring you here was because of—" Matilda said as she looked behind them. "C'here, baby."

The sound of tiny footsteps made their way down the hall and revealed a little boy. The little boy hurried into Tilly's arms, burying his face in her neck before peeking out at Cassie and Max.

Something clicked in Max's head. "The second pregnancy test. I found it in the shoebox when I was looking for something for Cassie."

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