XLI) Marion: So it Seems

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The lack of sleep was getting to me, however this was the day of approval. "She is such an uncanny loser!" I heard a man yell in the distance. The fact that someone would say this really made feelings worse. I seemed to step into the middle of their conversation, "hey flyboys." I of course had to sort of play around a little. "You guys look like you're up to something, that's for sure." My mouth ran on and on. I guess I could say that these men liked hearing the 'hot girl' talk and talk for hours on end. Their faces said a million words and more. One of the men, who was titled Jerrett, stood up out of his chair. "Wright, that is you, the beloved. You are America's most wanted girl. You are even prettier than on the news. The Angel of the Sky is what they call you, right?" The smirk on his face was swiped away when another young officer stood next to him. My mouth began to speak very softly, "Thank you lieutenant for your kind compliments. Yes, I am known as the Angel of the Sky. Alright flyboys, can you all leave me alone? This is time to shine, time to fly. I am heading back to get some sleep, you should too. He said 0640."

After wrapping up the conversation I walked back to my barrack to get some sleep. I changed into my comfortable pajamas. When I hit the pillow I immediately fell asleep. Before I knew it the sound of horns blew throughout the whole area. My body jumped up, ready to go. I took all of my stuff and buried it in my small flight bag. This was really it, the end in sight. As soon as I took five minutes to get ready I rushed down the hallway to the apron. They gave us food while we listened to our last lecture. Man, time really did feel like an eternity. I adjusted my seating position and all of the men were staring at me. I gave them a dirty look, or at least as rude as I could get. During Captain Anderson's so called 'farewell address' I was reminiscing about dancing in the arms of Nicholas. Oh how much I would give to repeat that night again. I wish I would have hugged him more -kissed him. The second he twirled me around the dance floor was the second I fell even harder for him. I still remember the way my heart fluttered when his lips touched mine. He really is nur für mich. When he played with my hair I couldn't help but laugh under my breath. Nick really did make me feel breathless. I really did feel that zing feeling once his eyes seemingly connected with mine, his Oak brown eyes and my emerald green eyes. Every moment with him was really heaven. The smell of his German cologne mixed with jet fuel still burns my nose to this day. Gosh, how I truly do miss him -love him. Knowing he is gone really hurts.

I was officially woken up from my trance of daydreams when the lieutenant next to me hit my shoulder. "Marion! Pay attention!" His raspy voice certainly echoed in my inner ear. I looked up and there it was... the sound... that ear piercing sound. Air raid sirens. That stung my back to the core. We needed to leave. My hands rapidly enveloped all of my belongings in one swipe, carried them to the large aircraft on the apron, and my body climbed inside. "Lynx on..." I shouted through the frequency. "Clear Lynx... runway 14 left. Tailwinds..." They spoke fast to get pilots off the ground. We were flying, the whole fleet. It was time to head through the Mediterranean. However, they never quite affirmed which plan we were supposed to follow. "Lynx, you are the captain. You lead us home baby! Take us to the skies! Full throttle, what do we do?" Fodder, another pilot, yelled through frequency. "This is Lynx, your captain, this is our time to shine. I take it Anderson never gave us a plan or anything..." The anxiety was really digging deep, as I did not expect to have to take over, "through the mediterranean, there is no other option." My voice echoed through the frequency. "Heck yeah!" The men yelled. "Stay straight on the heading. You cannot mess this one up boys. Let's get 'em."

The headwinds were super strong, strong enough to blow over a building. I could feel each pull in the plane as it flew through the sky. "Remember, we cannot be on their radar at all. Stay above 10,000 for now. As soon as we reach Italy it is time to reach 15,000. Once we continue through to Russia we need to maintain 2,000 if we can. Mountains are not an option, we need to approach Moscow, we need to head back east to that city in China. Isn't it like Xao... something like that? Anyways, over and out flyboys." I smiled a good looking smirk as they pulled up next to me in the sky. "Affirmative Lynx." I looked over only to see black clouds. It appeared that there were fires everywhere due to the dryness and the bombing. "No German airspace, only Italy and up. We will not touch any of them. We are only invading the two cities."

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