VIII) Nicholas: Auf Wiederhören

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I crept back to my barrack, so quiet in fact that I could still hear a pin drop. I laid down and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. Most of the people here were gone, as they left after the base was nearly shredded to pieces. It was nice to have my own space after sharing it with someone for six months. I have been deployed for about six months now, and today marks that fateful day -the day I received the letter. I had to stay on base until I knew that the others were safe. I was told to stay here to make sure the general was safe.

The morning sun along with men shouting in German woke me up. The grounds around the base were still smoldering with embers. Those embers lit up in a deep orange color whilst emitting hues of yellow. The sky still has a thick blanket of smoke covering the sun, which really dimmed the already drab doomsday. It smelled horrible, almost like decaying bodies. I could not believe what had happened. The United States was here because they are allied with Germany. However, no one quite knew what country was fighting us. I'm pretty sure it was China and Russia. Both of those have kept this war going along with North Korea in the background, which they were edging on the war.

I walked down corridor 9D where I came across someone lying in the middle of the floor. I bent down only to discover that he was burnt and dead. It was a horrible, and very gruesome sight to see. I almost want to unsee it, but that's near impossible. After I came to the conjoining corridor I was met with the Hauptmann. "Hallo Oberleutnant Schneider. Wo ist Wilhelm?" The Officer asked where Wilhelm was. Of course, I am not going to know where he is.

"Er ist in der Nähe. Ich möchte bewegen mit Amerika. Ist das möglich für jetzt?" He quickly shook his head yes meaning he had approved my request to team with the Americans that showed up last night. This Hauptmann is very picky and arrogant, so I was highly impressed when he approved such a request. I am not as high as he is yet, so there is a respect issue there on that side of things. I'm only a Lieutenant in the German Luftwaffe. „Woher kommt die Flieger?" I pointed to the small airplane in the front of the hangar.

He looked at me almost like I was dumb, but he slowly began to respond. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. I could not let him know anything about Marion, or Marion about him. She might like him. "Die Flieger?" he pointed to it. "Ja!" I said. He tapped his foot against the concrete in a very rapid succession. "Die Flieger kommt aus Österreich. Das ist sehr toll. Wir haben mehr Menschen mit Fliegen." On that note the captain left. According to him the pilots came over from Austria. I was quite relieved when he left because I needed to get to Marion.

I walked back over to the old cabin. With every step I took I made sure to make it as quiet as I could. With every step came looking back to make sure no one was following. When I approached I slipped through the door to find a sleeping Marion. I snuck in and brought her some food. It was a few rolls from the breakfast place. I also brought her a bratwurst that was left over. I felt bad because it wasn't much, but it wasn't obvious in the rücksack that I carried. I shut the door behind me and put down her food -that I put in a small sack- onto the counter. When I turned around she was still sleeping as if she was the true sleeping beauty. Her perfectly carved petite body laid there on the sofa. At some point I thought she was dead because it just looked so perfect. I sat on the floor and put my head on my arm, which rested on the couch. My face was inches away from hers. As I sat there I pondered about what I need to do next. My continued thoughts wandered back to the little pilot lady right in front of me. I am a pilot, who is supposed to fly, but I think this time I have fallen -for her.

Marion is a gorgeous girl with dark brown hair that touches the middle of her back. I can tell that she's strong willed and pushy. She will kick anyone's butt to get what she wants. I like that about her. In fact, I love that about her. I just sat there for about two minutes, then she woke up. "Hey Marion." I said quietly. I tried to not scare her because she's already admitted to being scared and having PTSD. I completely understand that. "How are you Fräulein?"

She unburied her head from my jacket that I left for her. I was glad that she used it, and when I discovered that the smile on my face grew larger than France. The German air can get cold in the off months. "Ugh." She groaned at first. "Hey Nick. I appreciate the return. I'm alright at this second. I'm in some pain, a lot of pain."

I got up and walked over to the sack of items I bought for her. I took out a shot of morphine and some ibuprofen pills. I have never given someone a shot before. I've had several myself so I could kind of guess what to do. She saw the shot and instantly shied away back under my jacket. I instantly felt so bad about the situation, as it deeply pained my heart. "Hey, hey, hey... Fräulein Wright... please. This is to help you. It's morphine, so just please. I'm here to help you. That's all I want to do." I walked over to her and watched her slowly take off the jacket. "Can I, please?" I pointed to the shot in my hand. She curled up into a ball tighter and tighter by the second. "If you just let me help you, I will bring you food and I will let you have it." I coaxed her into it. "Where does it hurt the most?" She pointed to her stomach where the bullet edged into her. "There?" I pointed. She responded with a yes and lifted a small amount of her shirt up. "Okay I'm going to give the medicine. Hold my hand if that helps." I truly felt bad, very bad...

I took the cap off the needle and placed the shot between my fingers on my right hand. She held my left hand and I looked into her eyes. Her hand was cold and small. My hands are much bigger than hers. She must be scared of needles, but was too scared to admit it. Maybe it was just due to everything that happened. The shot was only a small amount of morphine, but just enough to take all the pain away temporarily. I took a deep breath before resting my arm across her stomach so I could balance my hand out. "Ready?" She gave a slow, but sad nod. I administered the shot into the right side of her stomach. I put it in quickly and pulled the needle directly out. She yelped in pain when I accidentally jerked the shot when I was pushing the morphine through the syringe.

I was going to get rid of the shot syringe, but she put her hand behind my head and pulled my face against her stomach. "Please don't leave me. If you stay, then I will stay for you." She was breaking into tears and it hurt me too. I hope she feels the same about me that I do her. This bullhead of a pilot seems to have a soft spot for me. I'm not sure, but that's what I understand. I was finally able to stand up and get her food. By the time I got the food out for her, she was already standing up. 

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