XXXIII) Marion- That Hurt

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My eyes slowly tried to adjust, but to no avail it was pitch black. "Marion... I got you. Hold still." a man's voice said in my small ear. I discovered I was in his arms as he rocked my body back and forth trying to get me to calm down. "Look, this place was just raided. We need to leave and get to the final site. You were asleep while they came and raided the place. Marion, you can do this." His voice was very reassuring and soft -the kind I like. His arms wrapped around my stomach as I was sitting on his legs which were crossed. I was ready to blackout again when I heard him speak softly into my ear. "It is okay." His voice reminded me of Nick, but I was quickly assured it was not him. "It is me, lieutenant Marelli. You are safe with me, but we need to leave. You need to fly now." After he said so, he placed a couple soft kisses on my cheek. "I love you Marion, so you need to get out of here before they come for you." his voice said as I became more conscious by the second. "You love me?" I asked in my shy girl voice. I was seemingly in denial because I really don't care. There were no emotions left inside my soul. I guess I can say that I was nearly done with all of this. He quickly gave a firm, "yes." I heard him take a deep breath. His hand moved onto my cheek. "I do not want to see you in heaven yet. You need to live a long, happy, and healthy life. No one deserves to die in war, especially you." There was no light, but I knew what he was feeling. I did not like him, not one single bit of him.

After a few seconds his hand pulled my face up towards his. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I-I am so sorry Marion." He said, " You are amazing and you deserve that." I could tell he was smiling. Something about it did not feel right, right like how my kisses with Nick were. I stared at the cold concrete in complete silence. It all seemed so awkward to me. He did not have any remorse for that, and I could definitely tell that was the case. The sound of the hangar door opening startled us. "Get in the box." he told me. Here I will help. He helped me climb into the wooden crate that we were leaning against. It was about 10 feet long. Those boxes were used to ship several aircraft parts in. It was deep enough that I could sit up crossing my legs."Stay until I come back," he said.

It felt like ages before I finally heard the door open. There was light this time that peered through. "Hey, now we have to go for sure Marion." He opened the crate lid and helped me out. We ran out to the apron where the planes sat so perfectly. "This is it, Marion, my final frontier. You will get out alive, but I will not. I am so sorry. I will spare a life and that one goes to you." His eyes teared over. I was crying profusely. I hadn't had my training to fly one of these birds yet, but I made a deal with the admiral that I would -that is my obligation. This would be my first time and most likely my last time flying an F-35 Eagle.

I quickly retrieved all of my flight gear and pre-checked the plane. I felt my emotions again. This time I had to control them. All of the guys were making fun of me but Marelli. I stood next to my plane as everyone else got ready as well. Just as I was checking the landing gear, Marelli made his way over to me. "Wow, don't you look stunning in that uniform?" his cheeks were blushing. "Hmm, well thank you sir, I am quite surprised by your comment." I actually smiled at him in the most fake way possible, "I cannot thank you enough for what you did back there. I feel so stupid." after I said that he gave me a compassionate look. "Mary, you are not stupid. It is just natural to be scared and worried." he finished. "So, I hate goodbyes because I am the worst at them, but can I?" He laughed because he couldn't spit the words out. "I know you have a guy, but I just..." He gently grabbed my waist and kissed me. I just stood there while he held me close. "I will see you in heaven one day. You live a long and healthy life for me please." his eyes teared and I was crying profusely. "I will try my best." I let out a small smile as I looked up at him. "Goodbye Marion, goodbye sweetheart." He struggled to utter anymore, so he let out a small smile, turned away, and left. He did not look back once, not once. That was the end... would it be? My soul hurt even more than it should. 

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