part :- 36

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You two took bus instead of riding his car.

You two sat together.

"We can go to your destination by my car too then why bus?" He asked.

"We never been in bus together before that's why" you said with huge smile.

It's been 10 mins, since you two are in the bus.

You were adoring the outside view of bus and he was adoring you.

Smile covered his face seeing you like this.

He said :- bus ride isn't that bad.

You turned your face and said.

You :- see i told you it's fun.

He smiled .

You reached your location.
Karaoke ? He said.

You nodded yes!

I don't know how to sing. He said.

"I'm not listening any excuses now let's go !". You grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"So what should i sing ?" you asked him.

"I don't think there would be any hindi songs here". He said .

I can sing in korean too. You said proudly.

Oh really! He said with small laugh.

You nodded.

"Okey then I'll choose a song and you have to sing it". He said with smirk.

I accept the challenge! You said.

He took the book and started searching songs.

Okey sing this its was world wide famous you might know it.

it was Bol 4 's some .

You sang but stopped after a while.

"Hey why did you stopped? You were signing nice." He sat while he was sitting in couch.

"I'm not gonna sing alone its your turn now." You hand him mike and sat on the couch.

Okey tell me what  should i sing? He asked.

Your favorite song ! You said.

He waited for a while and then he sang.

Still with you.

You were stunned his voice !
When he stopped you stand up and clapped for him more than 5 mins.

"Omg! Jungkook you sing soo well! .
I mean you should be a singer or something where did you learned this skills? "

He stopped you.

"Wait let me breath. Sometimes you just talks a lot" he complained while he was drinking water.

S-orr-y. You said.

He smiled  " you liked  my voice ? ".

You simply nodded.

"Uhm ! Btw the song was sad and it looks like you sang it with all your heart ! Do you want to share something? I'm a good listener." You said .

He stopped and looked at your eyes and thought. " really you wanna hear it?"

Hey say something you said with a bright smile.

Its nothing let's go and eat. He said while going out of the room.

You followed him.

"We came to my place now it's your turn Jungkook !" .you said.

Hmm ! He said while eating a burger.

"What's that place? " you asked excitingly.

It's a secret.

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