Part :- 30.

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What they want to see us?

yes ma'am ! 

huh ? how can this even possible? you thought. Hey Priya ! your thoughts got interrupted by Sha Lee.

Priya opportunity comes rarely in our life so when you see one don't let it go out of your hand .

you smiled and nodded

Hobi: I really wanted to meet them they really played well.

Tae : yeah bro i'm thinking of joining a cricket club.

Jk : oh really?
everyones laughs .

we should go now. Yu Rin said .

you entered the hall . You can see similer faces inside, those faces whom you saw in T.V,. before you covered your mouth out of amazement happiness can clearly seen on your face.
captain R comes near you and rise his hand to shake hands with you.

"Hey thank you for supporting us" He said while he was smiling.

You while shaking hands with him. " "Oh my god it was a pleasure that i got a chance to come here" you said with huge smile on your face.

Every player was there except samad. Maybe he was in wash room.

So they are your korean friends? One player said.

You :- yeah they're my friends.

Tae :- i can't believe you guy's played really well.

Hobi :- yeah you played so well I'm going to call my other friends to support you guys tomorrow.

Captain. R. :- that will be so good that you all are going to supporting us.

You all were talking. You introduced your self amd your friends to them.

Player c :- so Priya who is your favorite cricketer.

You :- umm actually you all are my favorite.

Yu rin :- really?

It's me ! A voice came from behind.
You turned behind.

It was Samad in his white jersey and a towel around his neck. He was looking towards you.

Ain't it was me ? He said while looking towards you.

You were shocked by his sudden appearance .

You were not even able to say anything.

Yu Rin :- yeah it was you. Omg nice to met you in person.

Tae :- yeah she has crush on you a long term crush .

That was enough to make your cheeks red out of embarrassment everyone is looking at you.

Samad :- is it true miss ? 

You :- no it is not they're joking haha.

Hobi :- are you blushing ?

You :- excuse me where is the washroom? ( that's the best thing you could do in this situation)

Captain R :- haha she was for sure feeling akward .

Sha Lee :- yeah you guy's why were you teasing her?

You came out of washroom after 5 min.

Everyone was taking a group picture you too  joined them.
After that you were about to go when Samad showed up and said
"See you tomorrow miss ! Bye !. "
And then he went inside.

What was that.  It was so sudden.

"Aww he wants to see you tomorrow" Yu rin said in a teasing way.

"Btw you should not act like this infront of your crush" tae said .

"Why he is not calling you by your name and calling you miss hmm" Hobi said.

STOP now ! You guy's literally ahhhhh ! What was he thinking about me. I'm not talking to everyone. You said while folding hands. That was soo embarrassing .

"Maybe he likes you "Hobi said.

"Stop now " Sha Lee said.

"I'm going now and i will not gonna come here ever again it was boring"

jungkook said while looking towards you like he is angry over something.

What's wrong with him?

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