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Your today's collage is over now you are going outside after saying bye to everyone you didn't saw jungkook and taehyung there.
You are outside of your collage campus going in the bus stand than you heard a voice from your behind. Priya....., You turned back its sha lee she ran and come near you.
Sha lee:-  did you taking bus too?
Priya:- yes! Im going from bus.
Sha lee :-oh im taking bus too let's go together.
You two were in bus stand you are feeling good with sha lee since you don't like to go alone.
Sha lee:- so what is your plan today?
Priya:-nothing i have no plans.
Sha lee:- you didn't travel Seoul yet!
Priya:- yes actually because of this assignment i didn't got time to hang. Now im free so i will see Seoul now.
Sha lee :- actually today i have no extra classes and im free too would you like to hang out with me?
Priya :- ofcourse i love to .
Sha lee:- ok than met me at the lotus park at 4 pm.
Priya:-ok .
After this you two talked and you two were so happy then you came to home you were happy that you find really two good friends.
After coming home you ran towards kitchen and hugged mahak who was making lunch there.
Mahak:- you came finally you submit your assignment  so now you are free right?
You:- yes now im free. Now i can visit seoul
Mahak:- yes we are going mall tomorrow.
You:- ok but today can i go with my friend ?
Mahak:- ok but come home on time!
You hugged her and said thank you mahak .
             At 4pm
You went in lotus park waiting for sha lee you message her .
Jungkook:- i called her 100 times the no. Is invalid.
Tae laughs' at  jungkook:- why are you laughing?
Tae:- she might gave you wrong no.
Jungkook:- why the hell she did this .
Tae:- she might afraid of you.
Jk:- why will she afraid of me am i ghost or what?
Tar:- you kidnapped her right?
Jk:- she was not scared of me at that time why will she scared of me now?
Tae :- why are you eager to talk to her?
Jungkook:- there is so many things i have to ask her.
Tae:- should i call yu rin?  She can gave us her no.
Jk:- ask her.
Taehyung tried but Yu rin phone was busy.
Tae:- her phone is busy.
Jk:-call sha lee.
Tae:- sha lee? Really.
Jk:- yes call her is there any problem?
Tae:- i never called her and now if i called her asking for priya no. What will she think?
Jk:- does it really matter?
Tae :- yes it matters for me. I like her .
Jk :- call her and ask her where is she? And with whom she is with? She might with that ok?
Taehyung called sha lee.
Shalee:- who is this ?
Tae:- its me taehyung .
Sha lee:- kim taehyung? How did you got my no. Huh?
Tae:- umm you are the one who gave me.
Sha lee:- so what's your problem why did you call me i have to go somewhere say fast .
Tae:- where are you going?
She lee:- in park with my friend .
Tae:- which park?
Sha lee :- why are you going to join us?
Tae:- why did you talk to me like this ?
Sha lee:- ok I'm going in lotus park with Priya .
Tae:- ok actually im searching for hobbie. He is not picking up my call i thought he might with you and yu rin.
Sha lee:- he and yu rin went somewhere I don't know where now bye!
Tae:-ok bye
After cutting phone,
Tae:-she is in lotus park with sha lee.
Jk :- let's go there. We need to go there before sha lee comes.

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