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as you went home the first thing you did is that you sended all the pictures of today's to your dad and sibling an evil smile appeared on your face since you knew they are gonna be jealous  after seeing your pictures with every cricketers. but soon that face with evil smile coverted into a worried face when you realized what happened today. You were very embarrassed today because of your friends and for what they did.

you layed on your bed .

ahh im not gonna forgave any of them.
they did't lost any chance to make me embarrass. what would he was thinking about me?
you were too to tired think about anything else so you slept.

                   jungkook's pov.

he is in cvs store eating ramen alone .
he was remering everything happend today.
is it true miss?
see you tommorow miss.
this guy is weird how can she likes him? he said while punching his hand on table.

"are you alright sir ? " a staff asked. as he saw him.

"yeah im fine and sorry" . jungkook said.
why am i even thinking about them ? he thought.

He starts his car and went to his home. as he opens the door of his huge mansion he then sat on the couch and tried to sleep there but could not help himself to sleep. He just stared on the celling whole night.

                         Next day.

You waked up and got ready. When a notification popped up on your phone.

it was from Yu Rin [ hey ! Priya we will be late so you go first we will join you later.]

after seeing her message you went to stadium alone but found Taehyung and Hobi with his group of friends.
he came near you and said ,

Tae :- hey Priya see my whole friends are here to support them.

you:- yeah  its nice to see them all here but where is he?

tae :- ahh Jungkook? as he said yesterday he thinks its boring.

tae:-  so? are you joinig us ?

you :- no you carry on .

( basically you don't like their friends as they are quite annoying to you.)

you sat on the other side of the stadium far away from their friends.
as match starts Samad resumes his 68 runs knock and started smashing sixes and fours again.

suddenly you heard someone calling you HEY PRIYA !

you saw it's Yu Rin . she came and hugged you .

sorry sorry so sorry ! I didn't relised how embarssing it might was for you yesterday.
i promise i will think twice before saying anything from now on .Now please forgive me she said with a puppy face.

that was it you can't hold your smile anymore and you smiled. It's tough for you to ignore someone for a long time. 

Yu Rin see i bought you an ice cream.
you grabbed icecream and said  "okey ! I'm forgiving you this time."

you three laughed.

after sometime Samad scored his first ever international century on his very first international match. He removed his helmat and lift his bat to show his gratitude.

you were soo happy. You stand up and cheered from him with your full strength. you have supported him since his carrier started you always wished for his success its great to see him like this.

Samad scored 140 runs and got out by catch.
He gave India a good start before he came for batting India's total score was 104 * but now India's total score is 244* .

everyone gave him a standing ovation as goes towards pavilion.
new batsman shows up as samad got out .

                   After sometime

you were talking to sha lee
I'm so happy for him you said.when you heared a voice behind you.
for whom ? for me?
as you turned your face behind your eyes widened.
S.A.M.A.D !

Author :- Hey readers im so sorry if you found any grammatical mistakes in this part i wrote it in hurry so .

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