Part :35 (dayout)

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Where are you ? Im missing you.

You saw and choked your food.

C/T:- are you okey? Have some water.
She passed you glass of water.

Jungkook:- What happed ? He said while he stares at your phone.

You :- nothing it was just a maybe a spam message.

Jk:- are you sure.

You :- yeah! (While being akward) .

Who is this? Maybe someone i know.( you thought. You ignored it for now.)
Aftet having breakfast.

You :- it was delicious Mrs kim.

C/T :- really? Thank you very much you can come anytime i will make so many dishes for you next time.

You smiled at her.

(You saw time its 11.00 A.M. already its been 1 hr since the 3rd test match  would started but for now you have more important work to do.) You thought.

Jungkook we need to go! You said with enthusiasm.

Where ? he said.

You need a check up. You said.

But I'm fine now i don't need any checkup now. He said .

See who is making excuses like a child. You said which made mrs.Kim laugh.

You are coming with me and it's final. you said.

Mr Jeon she is right you should go with her. caretaker said.

Jk : alright! i will go but in one condition.

you : and what that condition is ?
Jk : I will not gonna have any blood check up.

He made you laugh.

You: aww! so this little baby is scared of injections? okey we are not gonna take any blood check up.

Jk : hey! stop!

you two went to hospital. You were waiting in waiting room.
Mr. Jeon Jungkook it's your turn. nurse called.

you two went to doctor's cabin and sat on the chair.

Dr. : so Mr. Jeon what is your problem?

Jungkook were and he looked at you like he wants you to tell the dr.  so you decided you will tell his conditions.

Sir he had a high fever last night and had a server headache i gave him some medicine from pharmacy and today he still having headache. You told to dr.

Oh! I see he said and then started checking Jungkook.

He then said. " Mrs. jeon your husband had a normal seasonal infection because of changes in environment don't worry i will write some medicine he will get all well in three days"

Jungkook was all stunned by his words.

He saw you.

Your cheeks were red.

Excuse me he is not my husband. You said while your eyes were trying to ignore all those awkwardness.

Haha! Really? I'm so sorry ! I mean you were so worried haha anyways. ( he was laughing his lungs out.)

You came out with jungkook.

When you came out jungkook burst out his laugh which made you more embarrassed.

"Hey ! Now stop ! That's enough for today" you said by hitting bag on his body.

"Did you saw your face miss red haha". He said sarcastically.

Stop now. You said.

"Don't worry i will never gonna marry a dumb like you." He said out of blue.

You stopped, everything stopped for a second, you turned back gave an evil smile and said  " you better not, you can't tolerate me "

Ahem! Are you challenging me ?  He said with challenging expression and smirk.

"What ever you think mr.Jeon." you said and turned forward and started walking.

He put up the bag and ran towards you and said. " I'm great at wining my challenges."

"Is that so then I'm challenging you to come spend whole day with me".
He stopped.

What? He asked again.

"Spend a day with me" you said while you hand are back .

He was silent.

Ahem! So Mr. Jeon Jungkook lost the challenge .

Don't you have to watch that silly match? He said.

I missed it you said with a sad face.

He saw you and said " so what should we do? ".

You excitedly looked at him and Said "one place yours , one place mine".

okey so who's place 1st? He asked.

Let's do rock paper scissors .you gave idea.

Rock paper scissor .

You won.

Okey let's go then !.

Author :-   I am so sorry guy's i was inactive here for last few weeks i had my personal reasons but I'll try to post   Every week from now on. Yeah another apologies for short content.

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