part :- 33

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You slowly opend the door. You entered the room you saw Jungkook laying on the bed. His eyes were closed it feels like he is sleeping.

Ahh! He is sleeping here and i came all way here to check on him . you thought.

You went near him and saw he was sweating . you checked his forehead by your hand and he was burning.

Omg he has a high fever for sure.
Is he all alone in this house?
What should i do?

You opened your phone its 9. P.M. already.

You were busy with your own thoughts when you heared.

"What are you doing here? "

You saw jungkook opend his eyes. He wore blue T-shirt with black bottom.

Ahh! You woke up ! You said.

It's not my answer i asked what are you doing here ?
He said with a tough tone while coughing.

Actually i was just roaming around then i saw this house the door was opend so i entered ( ofc you lied.) But your lie was kind of unbelievable for him too. 

Jungkook :- really?

He tired to get up you stopped him.

You :- hey don't get up you are having a high fever you better lay down.

Jungkook obeyed your order and laid down.

Where is bathroom? You said with hurry expression .

In left side he said.

You went to bathroom.

                     Jungkook's pov.

What is she doing here? I'm pretty sure she is lying about the reason she gave me before.

I was not felling well since last night and today i became worsened. I thought i will get better after taking a nap but it doesn't worked.

(From here you can listen to " ap bethey hain " by zamad baig 's song , yk it's fitting with the situation.)  (It's totally up to you).

You came out  of bathroom with bucket full of water and a tiny towel on your hand.

You came near.

Jungkook made a face like "what are you doing ? ".

You came near him and signaled him from your eyes " may i sit? " .

He replied with his expression " okey".

You sat beside him and squeezed the towel and placed it in jungkook's head.

You saw jungkook 's red cheek.

Is he blushing? You thought while little smile appeared on your face.
He was not making any eye contact with you.

(You can create some more fake scenarios with the song if you want .)

After 10 mins. You got up and said to him.

"jungkook! I'm coming in a mins. "

Where are you going? He said.

I have some work. You said.

You went to the nearest pharmacy and bought some medicines for jungkook. Then you went to convenience store you bought ramen.
You came home.

Jungkook get up! You yelled.

"What" he said while laying in bed.

Eat this and then take this medicine. You said while giving him bowl of ramen.

I'm not hungry. He said while making a face baby makes when they don't want to eat.

He made you smile.

Okey eat less but you need to eat a little so that you can take medicine.
He accepted the deal.

He asked while eating " what about you? Ain't you are hungry? "

Ah ! No I'm full.i have already eaten dinner in my house."

"Okey since i listened to you it's your turn." He said while eating.

What?! You said out of curiosity.

The reason you gave me before for entering my house was lame now tell me the real reason. He said.

Umm actually i messaged you but you didn't saw that then i called you but still you were not picking the call i was afraid so i came here.

He was shocked by your answer.

You too didn't know hiw to react on it.

He starts eating again.

After he was done with eating you gave him medicines.

Jk:- thank you.

You :- it's alright we are friends after all.

you can see disappointment in his face when you said that.

Jk:- it's 11.00 p.m. how are you going home now?  Let me drive you there.

You :- it's oket don't worry i can go by myself.

Jk :- really it's so late.
You :- listen you are not in a good condition and i told my family that i will sleep in  yu rin's house tonight after studying late.

Jk :-  Why did you did that?
Huh! I was alright alone did i asked for your help? ( he said with angry tone. )

you :- what is wrong with you? I was just trying ..... Trying to help you!.

Jk :- did i asked for it? I know how to take care of myself i know how to live alone.

You :- yeah i saw that you were laying like dead man on your bed.

You got out of his room and then you left his house and went to the nearest bus station.

You were sitting there waiting for the bus the whole road was all empty barley some cars visible.
You were sobbing.
He is stupid why did i came here ?
What does he think he is? I came here to help him and this is how he reacted.
You were saying while crying.
I don't know why he reacted like this. whenever everything was going smoothly he behaves like this. Every time he acts like this my heart breaks.

                    Jungkook's pov 

Am i dumb or what she came here to help me and i yelled at her . I'm totally insane.

He rushed and came out of his house.
It's late where did she went?
He was searching for you.
He saw you sitting in bus station. He came near and sat beside he put his hands in his jacket.

Can you please forgave me?

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