"We sneak" Diane said as she shut me up

"No one misses Dinner when Dad and Mom are around" I stated but she wasn't listening to me

"We sneak. Follow my lead" she said as I hissed and put on a hoodie.


The Automobile shop was tad bit dark and smelt rusty. Different cars and motorcycle spare parts lay in different corners of the room.

Everywhere was dark except from the small window illuminating the room with some rays of sunshine.

I was on a Dark hoodie and Diane was on a Grey one. We both wire hoodies to cover our identities.

I scanned the room looking for the woman until I found her sitting on a small stool.

She wore a Red flowery gown with sleeves and her relaxed long hair fell on her back.

She looked even more Prettier than her profile picture. She was Ebony beautiful. Now I know where I got my Dark skin from.

Immediately she sighted us, she stood up with a smile on her face and hugged me.

"I thought I had lost you forever Kambili. Asa nwam (My Beautiful child)" she said as she hugged me

I could decipher her Igbo pronunciation of Words because, I had little knowledge on my Language. Mrs Andrews, though a Yoruba Woman insisted that I learn my Father's tongue—Igbo.

"I'm Diane and here is your daughter Kambili. We have many questions to ask you but we need to get home fast so enough of the pity scene and tell us everything" Diane said as she tapped her fingers on her thighs.

"You are beautiful too" Mrs Nnanna blurted out to Diane and Diane gave her a weak smile.

"It's a know fact Ma'am. We don't have all day so I'll appreciate it if you start telling us everything we need to know" Diane said like she knew I was too weak to speak.

"Can I start by telling you a story of myself" she asked and I nodded

"I'm Mrs Kambili Nnanna. I was a young teenage girl who had nobody. My family and I lived in a face me I face you apartment. My mother died when I was very little after giving birth to my sister Sochikaima so I became a street hawker.-"

"-One particular day, I met a handsome young boy who patronized me that day. We became friends and one day he said he was going to take me out" she paused and took in a deep breath as her eyes threatened to bring tears out any moment from now

"We went to a hotel and I ate. I didn't know that he drugged me and raped me with his friends. I was gang raped" she said as the tears started flowing freely from her eyes.

Gang raped

My Mother was Gang raped

I was the product of a Gang rape

My Mother was Gang raped

"Later on, I discovered that I was pregnant with you. I called him and his line was switched off. My dad sent me out of the house and I lived on the street.-"

"-When labour set in, some people took me to a hospital which happened to be your mother's hospital. I dropped you with her and ran away but I left a letter saying that you should be called KAMBILI meaning Let me live or I shall live." she said as she sobbed greatly

I couldn't help it too, I started crying.  I couldn't imagine the agony she felt. The pain she went through because of me.

"Life was hell after I escaped. I was always thinking about you and I decided to get enough money so I can come take you away. I started Hawking again to make money until I heard that my dad's second wife threw Kaima out if the house so I took her with me.-"

"-Years later, I met a man who married me . We've been married for six years with no child. I need you Kambili" she said as she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief

What did she need me for? What will my forgiveness do to her? Those were the questions that circulated round my head

"Diane, lets go home. Mrs Nnanna, we'll see later or I'll call you" I said as I stood up and walked out of the Automobile shop.


I and Diane arrived home safely. Our sneaking plan worked well. I couldn't take my mind off everything she said.

"I don't think they'll be out. Let's follow the front door instead of Sneaking again" she said as I gave her a simple nod and we walked into the gate.

"Don't let this break you down. You are the strongest person I know. Be strong for me" she added as she took my hand in hers and massaged it with her temples.

"I'm the Product of a gang rape Diane and you are asking me to be strong. The fact that I'm not an Andrews shredded down my walls of defence and then t-this" I croaked out as I dabbed my eyes with a handkerchief.

"I know Emerald but being strong is not a must, It's an Option.  You should chose to be strong" she said as she gave me a big hug.

"You should wash your face cause your eyes are red and puffy" she said as I went to a sink and washed my face.

She then held my hands and we walked to the door of my house.

Immediately we opened the door, we were met with a very dreadful sight.

Mom and Dad staring at us.

"And where are you two coming from" Dad's loud voice thundered

"Oh dear" I muttered.

Happy One month Anniversary to my book “Accident, Love and Scars”.

This is actually the first time my book is having one month Anniversary with 200+ reads. Thank you so much guys.

So guys, I'll be resuming my school by September which means I'll be temporarily unavailable in September.


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