An Unblinking Death

Start from the beginning

Celina's family had escaped the curse caused by Sabine due to a spell my mother performed to protect them. However the spell hadn't protected them from dying and as far as I knew Celina's family was long dead. It had been six years since we had last seen each other before The Originals came to town.

Even though we hadn't seen each other, she would always be my best friend. Then again, I knew that that wasn't a good thing. Samaria had taken a place of a best friend to both Agatha and me and she was dead at sixteen. My gut told me one instinct and that was what was running though my head as she spoke.


"You have me," Celina had whispered, her voice barely audible. It was so quite I wasn't sure I was suppose to hear it. I did though, and the instinct came back.

Push. Don't let them come close. Push.

I didn't have a chance to response, even if I had I probably wouldn't have. I didn't even know if it was intended for me to hear it.

The ground rocked, and the shack collapsed on us. An explosion, my subconscious told me. Someone's trying to kill the werewolves. Then another, sarcastically bitter, thought came though my mind. Looks like that dog peed on my shoe again.

I wanted to laugh at the cruelty of life (or should I rather say death?). I couldn't though, for there was a pain in my sides that forced me to remain stiff and still.

I tried to look around, but all I could see was dust and dirt that been blown into the air. It felt as though it was getter harder to think. The dust clouded my mind, and a wooden frame that had once held up the shack was laying firmly on my chest. That's not good, I thought. Maybe I'll be next to go?

The last though before I blacked out was clear though, through the confusion and pain.

Celina. Where was she? And more importantly, was she okay?


Sound. Panic. That's what I heard. It was distinct, as if far away but I knew it was close.

I heard sounds of complete terror, sadness and anger. I felt the ground shake again and the rusty noise that told me the wooden frame that was on my chest had moved slightly. It wasn't directly on my chest anymore, but it still held me down.

Besides, I was a zombie to the world. I could barely stay conscious for more than a minute. Even if I had had any strength, it wouldn't have helped.

So in and out of consciousness I went. At one point I tried to call for help, but my voice was raspy and dehydrated and no sound would come.

After what felt forever of the continuing cycle, I heard someone call my name. The voice was recognized by me but I couldn't place it.

"Athan!" The voice said again. It was a girl's voice and was drenched in worry and desperation

"Guys!" She called out. "I found him!"

I heard someone pull the wooden frame of me, allowing me to breath better. I took in a nice deep breath, thankfully. I was sure that the wooden frame and it's painful pressure was going to cause me frequent nightmares but I was glad I could breathe.

I heard someone breathe when I did, as if they had been holding their breath. "He's breathing." I heard the same say. I heard other footsteps approach me. The same girl walked closer to me. I felt her come closer, look down.

"Always getting yourself in trouble, huh?" She asked. Obviously, I couldn't response. She moved aside as much as I could tell so two others could walk closer.

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