Chapter Twenty-Two: Crumbling

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Twenty-Two: Crumbling
Book 1

A/N - This chapter does have the f*** word in it once near the beginning, I try to keep bad cursing down low but it just made the line so much better.

Harry rubbed at the back of his neck as he left the Trophy Room, having spent the past two hours scrubbing away at everything in the dreaded room. He decided to stop by the Kitchens for some late night snacks, but a certain voice caught him off guard as he was walking. It was short, rushed, and seemed almost panicked.

"Look away!"

It wasn't english.

Harry's stomach dropped and he bolted down the hallway, getting faster with every step until he burst into the girl's bathroom. The sight he was met with crushed everything. Hermione was bent over on the floor, shaking Myrtle's body, tears running down her face. The girl's eyes were glassed over, the back of her head bleeding slightly from what Harry assumed to be because of the impact with the stone floor. Behind Hermione, a silvery silhouet was floating, a horrified expression on her face. Over by the sinks, stood a very pale Tom. His eyes were wide and he was gripping the sink behind him so tightly that his knuckles were white. Besides him, the Basilisk was hurriedly sliding back down the pipe. Harry ran over to Hermione grabbing the panicked girl's shoulders.

"Hermione." he said, shaking her, but the girl didn't respond, she just kept frantically trying to shake Myrtle back to life, "Hermione!" Harry yelled, the girl becoming stock still, "She's gone... There's nothing we can do..."

Hermione wrapped her arm around herself and crumbled into Harry's arms, sobbing. Harry hugged her, and looked up at Tom, anger boiling inside him at the sight of the boy.

"You promised." Harry seethed.

Tom's eyes snapped from Myrtle to Harry.

"Harry, I-" He began, but Harry wouldn't let him continue.

"You promised me you wouldn't use that thing!" Harry yelled, "You killed her Tom! You killed her!"

Tom just shook his head, "The Basilisk did-"

"And who controls it?!" Harry asked angrily, "Who's the one who brought it out of the Chamber?! This is your fault."

"I didn't mean to kill her!" Tom yelled back.

"Why was it up here in the first place?!" Harry challenged him, "What were you planning to do with it?!"

Tom bit back his reply and all of Harry's hope was smashed. He looked down at Hermione, over at Myrtle, then back up at Tom.

"We're done." He bit.

Tom's eyes widened, "What?"

"We're done." Harry repeated, more force behind his voice.

Tom stared at Harry, a look of pain on his face, but nothing Tom felt could've compared to what Harry felt. Tom had tricked him. Ron and Hermione were right. Sirius was right. Everyone was right. Tom Riddle was a liar, he'd manipulated Harry just as he'd manipulated everyone else, and Harry had fallen for it like an idiot. Harry doubted everything Tom had ever told him over the past few months. It was all a bunch of shit. Tom didn't care about him, he didn't care about anyone. To him, Harry was probably just a meaningless snogging partner. He probably laughed to himself at how naive Harry was to think that Tom gave a crap about him. Now, because of Harry's stupidity, Myrtle was dead. It was the event that put Tom on his path to become Voldemort, the most important event that they had to prevent, and they'd failed.

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