Chapter Fourteen: A Secret to Keep

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Fourteen: A Secret to Keep
Book 1

The next few days, everyone noticed the certain riff between Harry and Tom. Harry tried his best to act normal around the teen, but Tom kept making comments that seemed out of character for him, all of which gave Harry a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. The boy could barely hold the other's gaze for more than a few seconds before looking away. Sirius had tried asking Harry if Tom had done something underhanded, but Harry assured Sirius that he hadn't, and that he was just acting a bit strange. Hermione theorized that maybe Tom was acting differently because they would be returning to school soon and that would mean he'd have to leave the family environment, but Ron didn't think that to be the case. Instead, Ron thought that Tom was simply trying to catch Harry off guard so that he could try to pull something, and that was why Tom had also started to become clingy.

Harry didn't know what to think. Whenever he tried to think of what was going on with Tom, he could never pinpoint what the problem was. The worst part was that the teens behavior did really seem to bother him, even though Harry knew something was up. He did enjoy the boy's company, so he didn't mind that they spent more time with each other, but the way they interacted set him off. Tom would always make some sort of comment that shook Harry, bringing up a feeling that he'd never felt before. To top it all off, whenever he tried to clear his head so he could think straight, he could never seem to shake Tom off his thoughts. Sure, he was always thinking about his mission revolving around Tom, but this time it was different, and Harry couldn't tell why.

"I don't like it." Ron said, "Riddle gives me a bad feeling. He's up to something, probably planning what he's gonna make you do when we get back to school."

"Oh, yes, because he's just itching to embarrass Harry in front of the whole school." Hermione retorted.

"That's not what I mean." Ron told her, "Riddle knows Harry is a parsel tongue, what if he drags him down to the Chamber of Secrets?"

"And what would he do there?" Hermione asked, "Introduce Harry to the basilisk?"

"Or have the basilisk attack him like he did last time."

"We weren't friends last time." Harry said, "I don't think that's it Ron."

"Maybe he's just trying to get closer to Harry." Hermione said, "It's a good thing."

Harry bit his lip, just at that moment, Tom walked into Harry's room. The boy took a seat opposite of the three of them.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked.

"No." Harry said, "We were just talking."

"About Rachel." Ron covered up.

Tom raised an eyebrow, "Rachel?"

"She's our Quidditch Captain." Ron said.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "She's also the girl Harry went to Slughorn's party with."

"Can we not talk about that? Please?" Harry asked.

"Why?" Ron asked, "Just because you turned her down before vacation?"

Tom looked over at Harry, "She asked you out?"

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