Chapter Eight: Date night

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Eight: Date night
Book 1


Harry was practically knocked over with a hug from Hermione when he entered the Great Hall for lunch.

"Must you always be so loud?" Riddle said from behind Harry.

Hermione glared at him, "You better not have done anything-"

"Hermione." Harry grabbed her wrists to stop her from pouncing on Riddle, "I'm fine. I just fell asleep in the library last night and woke up a little bit ago."

Hermione paused, "Then why is Riddle with you?"

"I'm not." The boy said, "I just had the joy of walking into the Great Hall behind Potter here. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to have lunch before the sight of you makes me too sick to eat."

"Don't say that about my sister." Ron, who'd just walked up, said threatenly to Riddle.

The boy rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Where have you been mate?" Ron asked Harry, "I had to cover for you in Quidditch last night. You better be coming to practice today or else Rachel will blow up."

"I'm definitely coming today." Harry said firmly, "And sorry about yesterday, Riddle had asked why we moved in Potions and it just made me think about everyone."

Hermione frowned.

"I'm sorry Harry." She sympathized.

"Me too." Ron said, "I know how bad it is to miss everyone. Especially when it was your choice to leave."

Harry nodded.

"But, we still have each other." Hermione said, "And dad. Also, just clarifying, we are going home for the Holidays, right?"

"Hermione, Christmas isn't for another two months and a half." Ron said in disbelief.

"But yes." Harry said with a smile, "We are definitely going home."

The three of them made their way over to the Gryffidnor table, where Harry had to retell his story of falling asleep in the library to everyone. Once lunch was over, Harry and Ron made their way down to the quidditch pitch, where Harry got a stern talking to about mysteriously falling ill. The following few days went by in a blur. Harry told Ron and Hermione about having gotten into the Death Eater meetings, he and Riddle had finally decided what to do with their project, and Harry in various classes, some of the future Death Eaters struck up light conversation with Harry. The only people who this seemed to bother were Frederick, Gregory, Hagrid, and August.

"You're being all chummy with Riddle's gang." Frederick said one night in the common room, "Don't tell me you're going to be one of Riddle's pawns too."

"I'm not." Harry said firmly, "No matter how hard Riddle may try-"

"He's trying?" Gregory asked.

"Well, not exactly-"

"Harry, don' listen to anything Riddle migh' tell yeh." Hagrid told him, "He's jus' tryna get yeh on his side."

"Yeah." August agreed, "Riddle's no good. Even the older kids are scared of him."

"Don't worry." Harry told them, "I know what I'm doing. Trust me, at my old school, I had a habit of getting into trouble and slithering out of it. If Riddle even tries anything, I know what to do. Besides, we're only hanging out after class because of our class project. As for the others, they started conversation with me, I'm not going to be rude and ignore them. Also, may I add, aside from the Carrows, I haven't seen anything bad from the rest of them."

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