Chapter Three: A Guide to Secrets and how to Find Them

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Harry Potter and the Trip Trough Time
Chapter Three: A Guide to Secrets and How to Find Them
Book 1

Harry looked around at his new room. There was a wall of windows with a set of doors that appeared to lead out to a balcony area. To his left sat a grand canopy bed dressed in red, and in front of it to his right was a small sitting area around a fireplace. Harry also noticed a desk along with an assortment of bookshelves, but he made his way over to the big wardrobe by his bed. Even though the room was extravagant, it still held a welcoming and warmth that reminded Harry of the Burrow. He set his trunk down and opened it up, pulling out the clothes he had worn when he, Ron, Hermione, and Sirius had left. Out of the arm of his Weasley Sweater came a piece of parchment. It was against Dumbledore's wishes, but if he was to make sure that Tom Riddle would never become Voldemort, then he would have to keep a close eye on him. There was no way he was leaving the Marauders Map behind, even if that meant he had to sneak it. The grabbed the pair of jeans he'd been wearing and removed a well hidden cloak from within one of his pant legs. It's not like he could've left the Invisibility cloak behind either. He quickly hid them at the bottom of his wardrobe and started to put his clothes away. About half way through, there was a knock on his door and Sirius walked in. He stood in the doorway, smiling for a moment at the room, before he spoke.

"You know," He said, "This was James's room."

Harry over at his godfather from hanging up one of his shirts, "Really?"

Sirius nodded, "And the room Ron's staying in, that was my old room."

"You lived here?" Harry asked, "How?"

"After my mother blasted me off the family tapestry, Fleamont and Euphemia took me in. I remember those days with James as if it were yesterday. How we would sneak out in the middle of the night and play Quidditch. Granted, it was pitch black outside and we couldn't see anything, but it was fun nonetheless."

"About my dad," Harry began, "I thought he wasn't born until 1960. Why is Euphemia pregnant now?"

Sirius sighed and sat down in a chair by the fireplace, Harry taking a seat as well, "The baby won't survive. It's a miscarraige, their first one I believe. Fleamont and Euphemia tried for twelve years to have a kid, and Euphemia got pregnant many times, but until James, none of their kids made it to birth."

"Oh..." Harry looked down at his hands, but looked up again when Sirius began to talk.

"They used to say that he was born to be great, that his magical powers would be extraordinary."

"How come?" Harry asked.

"James was their seventh child, and he survived. The magic number, and they weren't wrong in their assumptions either. James was an amazing wizard, but no one is perfect. I'm not, and neither was he. In fact, we were far from it, but..." Sirius shook his head and pulled himself up, grabbing one of Harry's shirts and hanging it up, "We can't dwell on it, might as well focus on the more important things."

"Like what?" Harry asked, "I can't do anything about Voldemort right now, I'm not at Hogwarts."

"That was not what I was going to say." Sirius told him, "What I was going to say was, getting to know your family."

Harry smiled as Sirius wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling the boy outside of the room with him.

The next few weeks with the Potters went by in the blink of an eye. Ron, Harry, and Sirius each got brooms, and apparently Fleamont was a Quidditch player as well, having been a Seeker himself when he was at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron spent time playing against him and Sirius, while Hermione spent a lot of time with Euphemia talking about whatever crossed their minds. Euphemia had revealed to Hermione that the hat had almost put her into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. Hermione had shared with Euphemia that she would love to be a Ravenclaw, but she hoped for Gryffindor over anything, which made the woman laugh. Later that night, Hermione had revealed to Ron and Harry that the hat had done the same for her when she was being sorted. Great-Grandpa Henry, as Ron, Harry, and Hermione called him, was an old man who used a cane to get around, but he was still lighthearted and fun. He gave Ron a real run for his money in Wizards Chess, even if Ron somehow did always pull out with another win, and Henry could pull off the wittest of jokes -especially towards Fleamont- that had them laughing about it days afterwards. At meals, Sirius told stories about the shenanigans Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gotten into at their "Old school", when he was really just telling revised stories of their first four years at Hogwarts. Either way, the seven of them had grown quite close.
By the time Harry's birthday rolled around (They had decided to use Harry's birthday as their common birthday as his was right between Ron's birthday and Hermione's birthday), the Potters knew them well enough that they were able to throw the best party. Harry had never had a better summer in his life. He had what he'd always wanted, a loving family, making it even better that his two best friends were his brother and sister. Of course, he missed his old life. He missed Fred and George's theatrics, Ginny's witty jokes, Molly's smothering motherly love, Remus's guidance and friendship, his other friends like Neville and Hagrid, but with every day he was starting to also love his new life. He didn't even mind the weird clothes anymore. Though a pin was thrown into his joy the morning their Hogwarts letters arrived.

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