Chapter Eleven: An Invintation Laced with Mistletoe

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Eleven: An Invitation Laced with Mistletoe
Book 1

Certain things confused Harry. Such as, how it took Professor Sprout so long to be able to cure all those who got petrified in the future, and how it took only a month for Hermione to be cured in the past. The moment that Harry and Ron had been told she was okay, they rushed down to the infirmary where they both pulled Hermione into a big hug. The girl had told them about how she told Dumbledore and Dippet about having seen a big snake with bright yellow eyes in the reflection off the window she always sat in front of, but Dippet had immediately shut her down, saying that a snake of that size couldn't possibly be in Hogwarts.

"That pillock." Ron muttered.

"On the bright side," Harry said, "A lot has happened regarding Tom."

Ron rolled his eyes, "Could you shut your trap about him, ever since you started calling him by his first name it's like you've been obsessed with him."

Harry glared at Ron, "Sorry that I've been trying to catch him in the act of opening the Chamber. The only way I can convince him that we're not all muggle borns is if that Basilisk smells my blood and tells him that I'm a half blood."

Hermione looked between Ron and Harry, "Is everything okay with you two?"

"Peachy." Harry muttered, looking back at Hermione, "My point is, there's a lot to fill you in on."

"Why don't you tell her how Riddle's coming to stay with us for Christmas?" Ron sneered.

Hermione looked over at Harry, "What?"

"It was Sirius's idea, besides, I haven't even asked him yet."

Hermione grabbed Harry's shoulders, "Harry, exactly how close are you to Riddle."

Harry grinned lopsidedly, "Close enough that he thinks Grindelwald is after me?" He offered.

Hermione was released from the infirmary the next day. Though a lot of things had changed in the month she was petrified.

"Hermione!" Rachel beamed, jumping up from her seat at the Gryffindor table and giving the girl a hug.

"Hey Rachel." Hermione said, slightly confused, "What are you doing here? You don't usually sit with us-"

"She's been sitting with us for the past two weeks or so." Frederick told her.

"Yup, dragged Harry back over here from the other end of the table." Gregory said, "Better here than left with those Slytherins, right Har?"

"Sure." Harry said enthusiastically, glaring slightly at Ron who was glaring back.

Hermione looked between them, even more confused.

August cleared her throat, and pulled Hermione further down the table, "Er- things between them have been kinda tense ever since you got- well- you know..." She whispered to Hermione.

"I've been trying to get them talking again so they won't almost lose us another quidditch game because of their feud, but I haven't been too successful." Rachel told Hermione, joining them, "I was hoping that you being cured would put an end to their stupid fighting, but unfortunatly, nothing has changed."

"That's because they're not fighting about Hermione." Gregory told the three girls, scooting over to sit with them, glancing back over at Harry and Ron who seemed to be glaring at each other more intensely now, "You couldn't hear the fight they had in the locker room."

"What fight?" Hermione asked.

Frederick slid over, "It was rotten." He said, "Couldn't understand much of it, Harry started talking about how it was his fault you were hurt, Ron said something about Harry not caring about you, Riddle's name came up somewhere, then Harry said he'd rather be friends with him then Ron."

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