Chapter Nine: Hermione

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Nine: Hermione
Book 1

"Hermione- You don't have to do this."

"Well I can't trust you to dress yourself properly."

"He dresses himself every day, Hermione." Ron came to Harry's defense, "I think he can handle this."

"But he doesn't dress for a date everyday." The girl said, holding a button up shirt up to Harry and nodding, tossing it onto the bed.

"First," Harry said, picking the shirt up, "I'm going to be flying around, doing dives, going fast, a button up shirt won't hold up against the wind, it'll just come unbuttoned. Second, I don't even know if it's a date."

"Yeah." Ron said, "Harry'll probably want to wear a sweater of sorts-" The boy pulled out Harry's Weasley Sweater, "like this."

Harry smiled and grabbed the sweater from Ron.

"You don't want to damage that though." Hermione told Harry, "Who knows what could happen to it, and you can't exactly get another."

"I know." Harry said, "But I'll have to wear it again sometime soon-"

"How do you have one of those?"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all looked over at the door to see Frederick and Gregory standing there, their eyes locked on the sweater.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"That's a Weasley Sweater." Gregory said, grabbing it from Harry, "I'd recognize that knitting pattern anywhere."

"Our mum makes them." Frederick said, "Every woman in our family has learned how to make them."

"Really?" Ron asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

They both nodded.

"How do you have one?" They asked.

"We all do." Harry told them, "A close family friend made them for us."

"What was her name?" Frederick asked.

"Cedrella." Ron said.

Frederick and Gregory's eyes widened.

"Great Gran?!" They said in surprise.

"Grandma?" Harry and Hermione asked.

"How would you know our great-grandma?" Gregory asked.

"Do you know any Blacks? Aside from those in school?" Frederick asked.

"Our father's last name was Black before he changed it to Potter after our mum's death." Harry told them.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"Our Great-Gran's maiden name was Black." Gregory revealed.

"Do you think she and our dad might have been related?" Hermione asked.

"If they were," Frederick began, "That would make us cousins."

They all exchanged a look.

"I'm writing to dad tonight." Harry announced.

"Before you do that," Hermione said, pulling out a different sweater, "You have a date to get ready for."

Frederick and Gregory looked at eachother, a mischievous grin on their faces.

"Date?" They asked.

Harry groaned, "It's not a date."

"Sure," Ron said, "So Rachel just happened to ask you to spend one on one time with her to help you work on Seeker moves, when she doesn't even know how to do any-"

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