Chapter Six: A Series of Riddles

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Six: A Series of Riddles
Book 1

Harry and Riddle hadn't talked since that day in Potions. A whole week had passed. Ron had gone to Quidditch try-outs for the Keeper position and made the team, Hermione spent most of her time studying in the library, which meant Harry spent a lot of time simply roaming the halls. He had wandered into the dungeon on one of his many walks, but he'd turned some unknown number of corners and found himself lost. Sighing, Harry pulled out the Marauders map from his bag.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He muttered under his breath.

A map of Hogwarts was laid out before his eyes, and he saw his own name, walking along the path out of the dungeon, similar to what happened the first time he'd gotten the map and it led him to the passage into the cellar of Honeydukes. Only, that's not what he was paying attention to. A few hallways away from his name was Riddle's, surrounded by Death Eater names. Normally, Harry would think nothing of this, but he knew that couldn't be the Slytherin Common room because Common rooms had never appeared on the map. Curious, while also suspicious, Harry pulled his invisibility cloak from his bag, draping it over himself and tread over to the room that held the names. He went down flights of stairs, feeling the air get colder, hearing very faint voices get steadily louder.

When he reached the bottom of the sairs, Harry looked back down at the map that showed Riddle's name in big letters to be in the room directly in front of Harry. Creeping forward, Harry tried the doorknob, but the door was locked. He pulled out his wand, whispering a spell and hearing the low click of the lock, slowly pushing the door open a crack. Harry quickly and silently crept in, but unfortunately, the door wasn't near as silent. The heads of every single person snapped over when they heard the door creak.

"I thought you said you locked it." Riddle hissed at one of his Death Eaters.

"I- I did!" The boy said.

Riddle gave him an icy glare before walking over to lock the door again. Harry watched as the boy came towards him. Harry practically glued his back to the wall and stepped sideways along it, trying to get away from the door. When Riddle reached him, the boy paused mid step. Harry sucked in a breath as Riddle glanced over at him, but the boy simply continued towards the door, locking it with a spell Harry had never heard of.

"Avery!" Riddle called, the boy stepping forward in the crowd, "Will you continue with your demonstration?"

Harry watched as Avery raised his wand towards the kid that was supposed to have locked the door.

"Transmogrifian." Avery said coldly, the boy dropping to the floor with a scream.

Harry's fists balled as he saw the almost sinister smirk on Riddle's face, but he knew he couldn't do anything, and it's not like he could leave, not now that he had the chance to see exactly what Riddle and his gang were up to. It lasted until dinner. Harry had to watch as they cursed each other, watch as Riddle gave pointers, those who were succeeding getting to cast the spells while those who failed, got cursed. The whole thing made him sick. Though, he wasn't sure what else he was expecting. As soon as six hit, they started to disband, only a certain number of people leaving at unplanned times as if not to make anyone who might see them suspicious. Eventually, it was just Harry and Riddle left. Though it confused Harry when instead of leaving, Riddle closed the door, pulling out his wand and muttering a spell that Harry had never heard before.

"Come on out, Potter." He said without turning around.

Harry's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening.

Riddle looked around the room, "You're not the best at spying." The boy said casually, "I supposed Dumbledore put you up to this? He brought you in here, didn't he? You and your brother and sister, what were their names again? Ro- Rob and Harmony?"

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