Chapter Five: On the Nose

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Harry Potter and the Trip Trough Time
Chapter Five: On the Nose
Book 1

The next morning, Harry sat with his back to the Slytherin table. Now that he knew that Riddle recognized him from Flourish and Blotts, meaning that Riddle either knew or suspected that he was a parseltongue as well, meant that Harry had already gained the boy's interest. It was one of the first things Dumbledore had told Harry, to gain Tom Riddle's interest. According to Dumbledore, Riddle was very cold to anyone he didn't think was worth his time, and the only people who he considered worth his time were people he found interesting, or someone he needed something from. Now that Harry hadn't only revealed himself being a parseltongue, but he'd also been one out of the three Potter triplets to be sorted as brand new fifth years, something that had probably never been done before, or at least was very rare, Riddle would probably be more curious than before.

Dumbledore had also told Harry to remain secretive with Riddle, but not too secretive or it would make him mad. Apparently, Riddle doesn't like people keeping secrets from him, so when someone seems like they're hiding something, he does whatever he can think of to find it out. If Harry was open with everyone else that he was around, it would frustrate Riddle, but also peak his interest, and right now, that's all that it was about, keeping and maintaining Riddle's interest until Harry could somehow find a way to slide in with the Death Eaters, and put a stop to it. Harry had filled Ron and Hermione in on all of this on their way to the Great Hall, that way they knew what he was doing and why. Hermione was confused as to why he was planning to avoid Riddle, but Harry assured her that it was all going to work out.

"First we have Herbology with Professor Beery," Hermione read from their class schedules, "Then Potions with Professor Slughorn, Transfiguration with Dumbledore, History of Magic with Professor Binns, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Merrythought, lunch, then our electives which are all different except for Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Critter."

"How on the nose of a name is that?" Ron asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes while simultaneously rolling up her schedule, "And Professor Sprout wasn't?"

Harry laughed slightly at Ron's embarrassed face, "If we're talking about spot-on names, Ron, you should go into pottery."

"Shove off Harry." Ron shot at the boy, throwing a piece of bacon at him.

"Well, if Ron is going into pots, Harry, you should be a barber." Hermione smirked.

Ron started to laugh while Harry shook his head.
"No, no, no," He told them, "A barber removes the hair, I'll be the one sweeping it up so I can just keep pounds of it in my room.

Ron cracked up while Hermione simply smiled and shook her head, chuckling.

"Now that I think of it, we should all start a family business." Harry continued.

"Oh?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, and we could call it Potter Family's Pots."

Hermione shook her head, "No."


"No, Harry. No."

The three of them laughed about it as they finished their breakfast and by Transfiguration, Harry realized that they classes were separated in a different way than he knew. Instead of having some classes with just your house, some mixed classes, and some double classes, you had the same classes every day with the same people. Hogwarts, being much smaller in the past then in the future, had to combine two houses for each class, and just to Harry's luck, The Gryffindors were paired with the Slytherins. Harry sat with Ron and Hermione in every class, the three of them taking seats near the back in case they had to talk about something that would be better if others didn't overhear. It was by Care of Magical Creatures that Harry realized Riddle had been avoiding him as well, which made Harry seriously doubt if he'd gained the boy's attention at all.

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