Chapter Four: No Snape

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Harry Potter and the Trip Trough Time
Chapter Four: No Snape
Book 1

"What do you think Hogwarts will be like?" Ron asked, "Being fifty years in the past and all."

"Different." Harry said, still staring out the window as he'd been doing for the past hour or so, intrigued by how different the hills and villages looked that they passed, "But also the same."

"That is how everything seems to be." Hermione noted, tearing her eyes away from the world beyond their compartment window, "What I'm really curious about are the classes."

"Why?" Ron questioned, "It's just class, if anything, it's the most boring part of Hogwarts."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "We'll have an entirely different set of teachers Ronald, well, except for Professor Binns, but all the same. Not to mention Dumbledore will be teaching us, instead of being our Headmaster."

Harry perked up slightly, a faint realization striking him.

"No Snape." He muttered, "Snape hasn't been born yet... We'll have someone else teaching Potions!"


"No Snape!" Ron cheered.


The two boys continued their cheering as Hermione scolded them for being rude, even if Snape was horrible.

"What do you think Dumbledore will be like?" Harry asked when they'd finally calmed down, "I mean, he'll be the Transfiguration Professor instead of McGonagall."

Hermione sighed and leaned back in her seat, "I imagine he'll be just as mysterious as before." She grumbled.

"We'll be in school with Neville's gran." Ron suddenly realized, "Gryffindor is bound to get interesting."

"We'll also be in school with Sirius's mum and dad." Harry said grimly, "That's going to be fun. Remember Mrs. Black's screaming portrait? It's going to be just peachy having classes with her."
Hermione gasped, making Harry and Ron flinch, not having expected it.

"This is the year Hagrid gets expelled!" She told them, "We have to stop Riddle from blaming Myrtle's death!"


"I wonder what Hagrid was like in school..." Ron muttered.

Harry shook his head, "As tempting as it is to get to know everyone, we can't forget why we're here, to stop Tom Riddle from ever becoming Voldemort." Harry reminded them.

Hermione and Ron both looked down, glancing at each other, as if ashamed that they'd gotten swept up by this timeline.

"Of course." Hermione said, "And we'll have to act fast. He's supposed to open the Chamber of Secrets this year. If he kills Myrtle then it'll probably be too late."

"But do we really have to stop him from killing Myrtle?" Ron asked, "It's Myrtle."

After a stern look from both Harry and Hermione, Ron raised his hands in defeat.

"I just have one question." Hermione vocalized, "How exactly is Harry supposed to convince Riddle to go down a different path?"

"Did Dumbledore tell you anything in those meetings you kept having with him?" Ron asked Harry, "Did he give you a plan?"

"Meetings?" Hermione asked.

"You were with your parents." Ron told her, "You wouldn't know about them."

Harry bit his lip, "It's- Well, it's complicated."

"How so?" Hermione interrogated, "Is it a multi-step plan? Do you have to perform some kind of spell? Do you have to scare him out of it? Do you-"

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