Chapter Nineteen: The Chamber of Secrets

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Nineteen: The Chamber of Secrets
Book 1

They didn't find her.

Hermione mentioned the possibility of asking Audrey about Myrtle, or any classes they might have together in hopes of finding the girl, while Ron said he could also do the same with Kelly. While they were having this conversation at breakfast however, Harry was more focused on the pressing issue of asking Tom about the Chamber. He wasn't exactly sure how to approach the subject. He knew he should hide behind the shield of not wanting Hermione to get petrified again, as well as mentioning the horrible things that happened when it was opened in the future. Though, that could cause complications. If Tom was the only heir of Slytherin, then bringing up again how it was opened in Harry's time could plant the seed in Tom's head that he somehow had a kid or was still alive and at Hogwarts to open it. Even more, it could spark the idea of the Diary. Maybe he could ask to see it? Saying he was curious about it? Would that be too suspicious? Or should he just ask about the Basilisk, or maybe why Tom opened it in the first place. Harry bit his lip.

"-arry. Harry!"

The boy jumped and his head shot around to where Hermione was looking at him strangely, her hand on his shoulder from having to shake him back to reality.

"Are you okay?" She asked, "I've never seen you that zoned out."

"Sorry." Harry said, shaking his head, "I was just thinking. I'm alright."

"Good." Rachel said from her seat across from them at the table, "Because we've got a tough Quidditch practice today and we can't have our Seeker zoning out mid practice."

Harry grinned, "Looking forward to it."

Harry finished his breakfast and for the rest of the day, his thoughts consumed him. It didn't help that he had Tom in every single class, much more, the fact that he sat right next to the boy. Harry couldn't help but keep glancing over at him, questioningly, or zone out, staring at his desk. Sometimes it would even take Tom slamming a book down in front of Harry to get the boy's attention, and when he did, Harry was never quite fully there. It had gotten to the point where even the teachers were starting to notice something was up with Harry. By the end of the day, Tom had finally had enough and slammed his hand down onto the table in front of Harry after their last class was over.

"What is up with you today?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

"Huh?" Was all of a response that Harry could form.

"You've been aloof the entire day." Tom told Harry, crossing his arms.

"Sorry." Harry said, running a hand through his hair, "I've kind of been lost in thought."

"About what?" Tom inquired.

Harry pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"Does it have to do with a certain dark wizard?" Tom asked, lowering his voice.

"Well, yes, but no."

Tom raised an eyebrow, and Harry sighed.

"There are a lot of things that I've been thinking about. Some of them regarding that certain dark wizard, some regarding other things... like the chamber."

Tom's eyes widened slightly, not having expected that. He grabbed his bag, tossed Harry's into the boy's lap, and pulled the Gryffindor out of the classroom.

"Tom- where are we-"

Though Harry's voice left him after a sharp turn from Tom, yanking the boy's arm, dragging him to the right. They ended up in an abandoned room down in the dungeons, Tom's face very serious.

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