Chapter Twenty: A Lot to Take in

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time
Chapter Twenty: A Lot to Take in
Book 1

Harry was a complete mess at Quidditch practice that night, so much so that Rachel had made him take a break, not trusting him to keep his head on his shoulders with all the practice Bludgers flying around. Harry couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier in the Chamber. Tom had indirectly said that he loved Harry. Just the thought of it made something inside of Harry flutter. This was a good thing. Not just because Harry was overjoyed at the thought of Tom loving him, but Voldemort couldn't feel love. If Tom really was in love with him, that meant that he was that much further away from becoming Voldemort. He smiled. Tom loved him. Did he love Tom back? He wasn't entirely sure, but he felt as though he could've. He bit his lip. If Tom really did love him, and Harry loved Tom back, then their relationship just became more serious. Harry wasn't sure he'd be able to hide it from Ron and Hermione if he and Tom were actually going to stay together. Of course, he knew he'd have to cross this bridge eventually, but he was hoping he'd be able to push off telling them for just a little while longer. Maybe a year or so.

"Harry, can you pass me my water?"

Harry snapped back to reality as Ron landed in front of him. The boy grabbed his brother's water and tossed it to him as Ron dismounted his broom, sitting down with a sigh.

"What's been on your mind?" Ron asked, taking a few sips from his bottle, "Does it have to do with Riddle?"

"Yeah." Harry said. He bit his lip, "I- uh- kind of have something to tell you..."

Ron set his water down and his voice lowered, "Did he open the Chamber again?"

Harry nodded, "He may or may not have taken me down there with him."

"Did he hurt you?!" Ron immediately asked, his voice still lowered, but urgent, "I swear if that slimy snake even tried to-"

"He didn't!" Harry told Ron in hushed tones, "If he did, I would still be down in the Chamber! Geeze Ron."

"Sorry, but why else would he take you down there?" Ron asked, "To offer you some tea?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "How about to show me the Chamber? I asked about it after all?"

Ron's eyes narrowed, "That seems a bit too nice of him... are you sure he didn't have some kind of angle?"

"What angle could he possibly get?" Harry deadpanned.

"I dunno." Ron shrugged, "It just seems a bit sketchy. Did he say anything about attacking people with the Basilisk?"

"He said he would only use it on people who deserved it, but that wasn't what-"

Ron scoffed, "That could be anyone in the school from his perspective."

Harry sighed, frustrated. What was he thinking? He couldn't tell Ron that he was dating Tom. Ron still thought him to be the same as Voldemort. He grabbed his broom.

"Whatever." He muttered, "I'm going back to training."

Harry took off into the sky, and while he was performing the same as always, it was clear that he was lacking his love for the sport at the moment. At least, it was to Rachel. After practice, she plopped down on the bench next to where he'd been sitting.

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