"We should take a group to Hilltop to protect 'em, just in case," Daryl suggested.

Carol nodded. "It's a good idea. I'll take some from the Kingdom."

"Oceanside can spare some fighters."

"Alexandria can, too."

"So we head out in the morning?" Rachel asked.

"No, they can take advantage if we wait. We should go today." Carol countered.

"Agreed. But sending more people is only a short-term solution." Gabrial said.

"In order to face this threat, the four communities have to present a united front. Which is why I'm proposing a mutual protection pact. An attack against one community is an attack against all of us." Michonne proposed.

"Together, we can make these people think twice before moving against the Hilltop."

The King stepped forwards, with a hand on his queen's shoulder. "The leadership of the Kingdom is very amenable to this idea."

"Oceanside's down."

"Okay. so, how do we seal it? Spit and shake, blood oath?"

Max watched as King pulled out a piece of large paper and set it on the table in the middle of the stage. All the leaders crowed the table, looking down at the paper. He smiled, tightening his grip on his sister as the leader each signed the paper.

After the meeting, Max took his sister around the fair, they walked hand in hand looking at all the stands. Cassie had drunk Eugene into the water, throwing a ball with the help of her brother.

She and Max got matching butterflies painted on their cheeks before she had a race with Dog. Max grinned, racing after his sister and scooping her up into his arms making her laugh hysterically as she placed down on her feet.

Cassie, Dog, and Max sat on the grass eating hotdogs, she would sneak some to the dog, who happily ate them. They walked through the fair, eating candy apples and having the most fun, Cassidy squealed as she was lifted up from behind by her father.

"Are you leaving?" Max asked, watching his sister offer her candy apple to their father.

Daryl took a bit out of the apple, chewed it before speaking. "Yeah, but I'll be back."

"Promise?" Cassie says, holding out her pinky.

"Promise." He replied, kissing her on the cheek.

Daryl set his daughter, patting his son on the shoulder before heading off. Cassie waved her father goodbye before grabbing her brother's hand and dragging him towards another stand.

As the siblings sat in the auditorium, watching the movie, Max was handed a small note. He frowned as he opened it and read that was on it. His blood ran cold, his eyes widen as he stared at the note.

They're alive. Meet me behind the furthest building in Kingdom. Alone. -A.D

He looked around the auditorium for who gave it to him but didn't see anyone before looking at his sister who was laughing at the movie.

Max leaned forwards, tapping Jerry's wife, Nabila on the shoulder, and asked her if she could watch Cassie for him, who was more than happy to watch her.

"Cassie, stay with Nabila and Jerry, okay?" he whispered, standing up.

Cassie frowned, looking up at him. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom, I'll be right back," Max says, receiving a nod for her.

He hurried out of the building, jogging down the street towards the furthest building in the Kingdom. Once there, Max pulled out his gun, slowly walking down the small alleyway between the two buildings before rounding it and aiming his gun at the girl that was leaning against the wall of the building.

"A.D?" Max questioned, watching the girl move off the wall.

"Alice Dyer, actually. You got my note, I assume?" Alice said, receiving a nod. Her eyes looked at something behind him. "You were supposed to come alone. Why is there a child behind you?"

Max turned around to see his sister peeking around the corner of the building. "Cassie, I told you stay with Jerry and Nabila."

"I didn't want to stay with them, so I followed you. Who is that?" Cassie pointed at the unfamiliar girl.

"Max." Alice called making him and his sister look at the girl. "The reason why I'm here is because your mom and grandfather are alive. And I need your help getting them out."

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang