"I Choose You"

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You stopped in your tracks to see Trevor leaning against your dorm door

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You stopped in your tracks to see Trevor leaning against your dorm door. You thought you were seeing a ghost.

Y/N: ....

Trevor:...i wanted to call. But I figured it was best we talk in person

Y/N: (you shake your head in disbelief) i missed you

Trevor: I hope you didn't mind, Chloe gave me your dorm number (avoiding your statement)

Y/N: no not at all. Let's talk

(You put the key in your door and Trevor enters as you close the door behind you...You sit your bag down, and plop on your bed as Trevor sits at your computer desk in front of you)

Trevor: how you been?

Y/N: better now that i've seen you. I wish you would've talked to me. I hated how thing ended between us

Trevor: (scratches his head) that's what i wanted to talk about

Y/N: okay

Trevor: I spent alot of time trying to wrap my head around some things. When you told me you were carrying his child, I didn't think that kind of hurt existed. I tried to erase it out of my head, but its like the more I tried to pretend it wasn't happening the more I thought about it. I thought putting all of my pain and energy in music would help. But it didn't. Because every lyric i found myself writing was about you. About us. Trying to move on from you has been difficult and I know its mainly because I never got to say what I really felt

Y/N: I thought you did that day?

Trevor: I said what I said out of anger

Y/N: Trevor I am so sorry. I treated you like second best when the truth is I didn't deserve you. You deserve better then what I put you through. I'd give anything to go back and change it. I didn't know what I had until it was gone. I jeopardized everything with you for something that I didn't even really want. But now i know more then ever what I want

Trevor: that is?

Y/N: ...YOU...and I know you probably don't ever wanna go there with me again but--

Trevor: the truth is, I still love you...I've always loved you. But I honestly can't see myself playing a number two role with you anymore.

Y/N: I wouldn't want you to. Trevor I love you too. I am IN love with you. I never stopped. If you ask me right now, I will tell you, I CHOOSE YOU.

Trevor: Im not fighting for your heart this time Y/N if its not with me.

Y/N: my heart is yours and only yours. Trevor you're not just what i want, baby you're what I need.

Trevor: (swallows hard) It's gonna take some time, but, I do wanna start to work things out

Y/N: (smiles) really?

Trevor: really. I just wanna be able to trust you

Y/N: whatever you need me to do, i'll do it. I don't wanna lose you again

Trevor: (nods) i guess we'll have plenty of time to work on us

Y/N: how so?

Trevor: im three dorms down (smiles)

Y/N: (your eyes lit up) ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Trevor: I enrolled for the Spring semester

(You jumped up and hugged him so tightly)

Trevor: hold up I can't breathe (laughs)

Y/N: I love you so much

Trevor: I love you more (he leans in and you both kiss)

Y/N: oh, about the whole pregnancy thing--

Trevor: (shakes his head) Doug and Vivek already told me. I'm sorry you had to go through that

Y/N: (you shrugs) everything happens for a reason, right? And to be honest, I think I finally know the reason

(You smile and kiss him again)

A DIFFERENT WORLD: A TREVOR JACKSON & Y/N STORYWhere stories live. Discover now